The Treasure Club 7806 Boeing Dr
Greensboro, NC 27409
Treasure Room- worth it?

gobstopper007Every dancer’s favorite- cause they told me so
I’m gonna hit treasure club again (third visit) next week and was hoping to get some advice from some of the TC veterans. I have had a few of the 3/90 dances and just wondered if the 15 or 30 minutes in the Treasure Room was worth the money? I can’t remember exact price for 30 minutes but I think 15 was $115.
I am going in the afternoon and also wondered if there were any suggestions for high mileage dancers. Limo possibly in future but just sticking with dances in club for now. Any ideas appreciated as I don’t really know which girls work more often in daytime. Not really looking for extras just best bang for my buck.
Limo is awesome... try it!!!