PP Columbia questions

avatar for messaround
I'll be about 70 miles away next week with some extra time - what are the best times to go? Any advice on dancers that are the most fun both to hang with and for possible extras? Anyone palnning to be there any specific time?


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avatar for messaround
18 years ago
Sorry about the multiple posts - working with a new laptop and I must be dragging a thumb over the touch pad - sending without me knowing it and the site was very slow at that time.
I prefer afternoons/early evenings at PP. The music, though still too loud, is not as loud as later in the evenings. There is normally a good selection of dancers. Most dancers will do two-for-ones at any time. I've had great experiences with Jamie, Nicky (sp?), Gwen, and Miranda. Stage mileage here is absolutely the best I've ever experienced and will give you a very accurate indication of private dance quality.

However, here's one word of caution: always agree upon prices prior to the first dance. Some dancers will try to charge $30 or even $40 per dance. You don't need to spend that much per dance here. In addition, hoard some dollar bills prior to your visit if possible. They give change in $2 bills here.

Good hunting.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I prefer visiting the club when it is less crowded as well such as in late afternoon. Into the evenings during a weekday isn't usually too bad. I don't know how many regular girls will be working the Easter holiday weekend. Might be a bunch of non regular dancers but I don't know. Weekends are usually crowded. If you like seeing lots of girls it's a good time to visit but if you prefer more private lap dances, not so great.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
Since I work during the week, I rarely get to visit the club except late on the weekends. I've had some pretty good lap dances when I was alone.
Messy: Lonelurker gave you 4 good names. I have never tried a dance with Jamie. A little too chunky for my tastes but she is always friendly to me. I'll be there Apr 12 from about 2 or 3 P.M. untill 8 or 10 at the latest. I'll be there on the 13th from about noon or 1 P.M. untill 8 or 10. I'll b e there on the 14th from 11 A.M. or noon untill around 4-6. Gotta drive back to Atlanta then. I'll be easy to spot. 65 yo, 5'10", 150 lbs, full head of hair (almost anyway). I'll be wearing black nylon shorts and a funny obnoxious t-shirt. Ask Jennifer, the day time waitress or Misty the Champagne Room Hostess or any of the dancers to point out the candyman. Any of you other followers of shadowcat " Come on down".
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
messaround - read some of your reviews..... Christie's in Cleveland is definately HOT! Good choice. A couple of the Brookpart Road clubs in Cleveland are hidden secrets for a great time and less costs!

As far as PP in Columbia, I have been there twice with IGU during the MidSouth Chapter Meetings. IGU is a good source and guide for dancers.

As far as LD areas, they have 3. 2 of them are close together in one corner of the club, and are the best during non-crowded times. The 3rd LD area is in the opposite corner, larger, but more open. However, it is a good alternative if the other 2 LD areas are crowded. I've actually gotten full service in the larger LD area, but be very watchful for people entering.

Read a lot of IGU's reviews of PP. Good luck and we expect a good detailed report.
Just to add to the be sure to negotiate the price before you go to the vip...once I had negotiated a 2 for 1 for $25..dumbass me assumed all the dances were that..she danced 4 dances for me but to her only the first 2 were for $25, the other two were $25 each..but whatareyagonnado? Again, establish the price upfront. You should have a great time. This club is still the best strip club I've ever been to.
Hey B****. You are right. especially when asking for a replay. I can still get 2 for $20 but I know that I am getting special prices because I am a valued repeat customer. I have one favorite dancer there that will only give me one 2 for $20. She refuses replays at that price. I think that she is after the bigger, better deal. Last time, 2 months ago she had Mr. Happy outside of his resting area, had spit on her hand and was proceeding to get him totally satisfied. She stopped when the 2fer was over and wouldn't go for more. I have heard and this is strictly rumor that she does BBBJ's for $50 but she has not yet offered me one. And yes, I want one. Gotta wait for the right time.
Hey Happy, remember when 3 of us got back to back to back BBBJ's from the same dancer? I saw her head bobbing up and down a month later but have not seen her since. Damn.
Dirk and Pop: I see that you both posted reviews recently. Unfortunately for me I can't read them untill after I post another review. Next week. Email me or post on the club message board, who was hot and who was not! Thanks, shadowcat...
avatar for IDleStripper
18 years ago
I heard she quit because John Lewis was always trying to kiss her on the mouth after the deed was done. She thought it was too gay!
IDleStripper is an ex dancer from Columbia Platinum Plus. She has now registered a nick name that was used by my first ATF's. The ID in IDlestripper are the initials of my ATF's first and middle names. Why has she chosen this as a nick name? Because she was so jealous of her. She had it all and she nothing. Mt ATF got her canned for overly trying to cut into her gig in the Champagne Room with Bill. I only met her once or twice, 4 or 5 years ago. She was old, fat and dumpy then. She must be in her 50's now and has no life other than flipping burgers. She may hang out at the Discotheque Lounge in Augusta GA. That is where she lives. ShotDisc is the only TUSCL member that has ever had anything nice to say about her. Dude, I still think that you have her confused with Diana. Since she has no life, she sometimes comes on to the club message board and now here to bust my balls and those of shekitout. Why? Because she hated my ATF but she cannot bust her balls. It would just fall on deaf ears. My former ATF quit the business, TUSCL, etc. So the only persons that she can strike out at are me and shekitout bcause we knew her better than anyone. We shared her as an ATF. So just ignore the loser bitch. btw I am John Lewis...
I had to change my plans. I couldn't get a reservation at my favprite hotel on the 12th. I will be there tomorrow instead for 3 days. Club visit times will be the same. Just one day earlier.
avatar for messaround
18 years ago
Hey Igiveup - I'll try to make it tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday) - where do you usually sit - right or left of the stage? I spent a couple hours on Monday - had some fun dances with Niki - Sabrina and Sarah (very skinny but nice).
Dear messaround: I know all 3 dancers that you mentioned and they know me as the candyman. Just ask any dancer for directions to the candyman...
Candyman is usually past the front bar in the corner...if he isn't beating a trail to the vip rooms with one of his favorites.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
PP clubs don't make home videos of the lap dance areas do they? I guess it would be hard to know unless dancers suddenly started saying they saw you on DVD and said you were now a porn star.
avatar for messaround
18 years ago
Thanks everyone for the suggestions - had a great time with the dancers suggested as well as a couple others. Mileage is great with all of them. Sorry I missed you Candyman - I must have left Wednesday before you hit town. Safe travels.
Messy: Sorry I missed you. I got into the club a little after two. had a great time. "Pop" came in and joined me for awhile. Met 3 new dancers to add to my favorites list. List now up to about 15. I had to go wash my hands after each session. FYI, If your are ever thinking about the Champagne Room ( Now called the VIP room)if You buy any expensive bottle of booze (Champagne, Wine, vodka, rum, whiskey, what ever, the room is comped. Of course you also have to pay the dancers for their time. I am in solid with the day time hostess. Cheapest bottle of booze is $230. to get full service will probabby cost you at total of at least$500-600. There are probbably only a couple of dancers that would due full service ITC. I had 2 suggest Full service OTC on this trip for $150. Fuck the Chapange Room.
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