
cops trolling vs. drowsy driving

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
are cops trolling, or am i really drowsy driving, i wonder

so, prolly a year ago, i was driving drowsy on the highway. about 30 minutes later i made it home, and as I'm exiting the highway, i come to stop at a traffic light. i see a car idle to my left, lights out. didn't think anything of it, go when the light's green. the car comes to life. it's a cop. he follows me literally 12 seconds starts flashing lights.

he tells me, "what's a matter, you're all over the road!". i'm thinking, you just started following me! i'm awake now, i was drowsy half an hour ago on the highway.

he gave me a ticket for reckless driving or something. it's still on my record. i was mad pissed. no way was i driving erratically by the time i reached my exit. sure, half hour before i was drowsy driving like a motherfucker.

so, now i'm getting it: maybe another cop or motorist called in my tags and he was waiting for me. maybe.

anyway, happened again this weekend. drowsy driving after the SC. cop pulls me over and says "you were all over the road". really? i don't remember that. only gave me a warning.

but i'm like are these cops trolling with "all over the road"? are they exaggerating? i can see going in and out of lanes but "all over the road" isn't accurate to me.

i don't wanna kill anybody or hurt myself on the road. but it's not cool if these cops are trolling just picking up anyone they see late at night and hoping to catch a drunk driver by saying "you're all over the road".

1 comment

  • eastsidecap
    5 years ago
    This has been going on forever. Although this is a new one on me. It has always been in the past they say they stop you for the rear license plate light is out. Then of course they smell alcoholic beverage or cannabis then ask if they can search your car. Never under any circumstance give a cop permission to search your car. They will pretty much do or lie with impunity to get what they want. Sad
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