Decline of the Rocker chick

avatar for Muddy
This is one thing I’ve noticed that not only rare in clubs but even in the civie world to go along with the decline of rock and roll itself. But you just don’t see the tattooed, punk girl as much anymore in this baby stripper generation.

In the clubs that I frequent, this type is there but they are well into their 30’s. Still hot btw. Full of tattoos (which however know many of you aren’t thrilled of), rebellious type of personality and I absolutely love when they come out to Disturbed, Saliva, Korn etc AKA stuff I actually listen too and like.

It makes sense because many young strippers coming out today weren’t even alive in the 80’s and 90’s, decades that had a rock and roll vibe to them and the genre was alive and kicking. Now name me 5 new rock bands that came out this decade? I prolly even can’t.

But I wanted to throw this out to y’all if this is something you’ve noticed and even like me somewhat lamented. Because it is most definitely one of my types.


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avatar for King_Gambrinus
6 years ago
More and more new girls trying to be like Cardi B. Annoying.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Kim Kardashian too I feel. Not saying it doesn’t look good. But man does that shit get repetitive.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
And maybe all this is just where I’m at? Maybe not taking place in all of the USA
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Did you ever meet Jade at the San Antonio XTC, or maybe all stars idk what club is her main one now

She has that kind of aesthetic
avatar for sinclair
6 years ago
I think the decline is due to most of the younger dancers being into hip hop and urban culture. Hip hop was being pushed heavily by the powers that run the radio/music tv stations in the early 2000's. I cringe whenever I come across a white dancer from the suburbs who acts she grew up in the projects, talking in ebonics and trying to twerk on stage. It just seems like the ultimate mockery of African-Americans. The last few years, electronic dance music has been getting a big push by the media powers. There are still some rock chicks out there, but metal and hard rock is more of a niche nowadays.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
i don’t know. I see a lot of new tattoos on some of these bitches...
. (forgive me I’m trying to acquiesce to icey. (after all he is the young strip club stud.)
i absolutely don’t like any tattoos.
but they will not let tats get in the way of enjoyin g an otherwise beautiful woman.
avatar for minnow
6 years ago
IME, chicks under 25 seem to have some ink (maybe not suicide girl level, but those without ink in the minority), and favor rap music.
avatar for JamesSD
6 years ago
I think the 90s may have been the last great gasp of rock as a strong cultural force. There was emo and scene giris and pop punk in the early 2000s. But Rock culture got replaced more by EDM. A lot more strippers are festival sluts than rock chicks.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
@Nice I have not. And I'm not driving 8 hours to see a potentially hot girl that I've never met before...oh shit wait a second!

@JamesSD Festival slut is an interesting term haha. I gotta steal that one.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
There are rocker bitches at strip clubs. They just may not express that aspect of themselves at work coz they want to portray an image that they think will make them more money and will appeal to more men.
avatar for DandyDan
6 years ago
I don't remember the last time I seen a young rocker chick dancing in a club. I know they got older ones at the one club I regularly visit.

In the real world, there is a lady at work who is definitely a young rocker chick. She's into Halestorm and went to the same hard rock/metal concert festival I went to in western Wisconsin last year. I wouldn't mind seeing her strip, but she seems to have settled on a boyfriend for now.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Pornstar wise, think Anna Belle Peaks. She’s a little older too but I want more of her type running around the strip clubs.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
you're just not picking up on them.... a lot of Chicanas look all hip hop but love rock too.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
^^^thats the point though the look is kind of a big part of it. Think Avril Lavigne or some shit like that
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