When you ask a girl to hold your beer and she gives it 110%

In a brilliant place!
Brilliant idea: let’s ask Nicole1994 to post a photo of herself holding a beer just like this! ;)
last commentI like the way the camera is positioned - if she farts, the cameraman won't swallow a fast moving bottle! ;-D
Yikes. If I want my beer to taste like ass I will drink PBR
I like rubbing it on a bitch's pussy to make it taste better.
Last month, my VIP dance included my stripper fucking our empty champagne bottle in front of me.
Last month, my VIP dance included my stripper fucking our empty champagne bottle in front of me.
That's really hot, I love it when girls do that kind of shit....
If Nicole did that, I would take her off ignore.
Last month, my VIP dance included my stripper fucking our empty champagne bottle in front of me.
Don't brag about that that is disgusting , have some standards please.
^ I agree with you on that point Nicole
Warm beer that tastes like ass? No thanks!
I'm surprised she can stretch that far.
Believe or not I have seen girls hold Louisville Sluggers and even Champagne Bottles the same way. The female human body is amazing