
Dad got sad after I told him lawyers don't make that much money :(((( ugh why do

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?


  • Why do u think how much money I make is more important than ***
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    As compared to what? Lawyers make pretty good money from what I’ve seen. They just work so many hours are you ready for that? If you danced you would make so much for so little time working.
  • CC99
    6 years ago
    Nicole my dad is a lawyer, they make pretty good money and actually he didn't work anymore than the normal 40 hours a week.
  • Guys I'm not looking at what men who were born before me made when the legal economy was good...I'm looking at what lawyers make based on the employment data in the current economy .
    .everyone knows law is a bimodal field and only few ppl mke that much money

    Just sux how he nagged me to do good in school and when I have the grades to get in he wants me to make $$$$
  • And i did good in school for me not for him bc he wasnt in like half of my life on purpose . lmao what am I saying I'm telling y'all too much
  • Like I want to go to be top dawg in the legal field..if that comes with $$ then cool..if not then idgaf I don't need a paycheck to motivate me to be top of my class is my point...
  • But thanx:((((

    Anyway yeah u can make a good salary in law..but u can also not. Let's see what will happen in a year.
  • Who the fuck tries to dictate how much $$ their kids make. Watever. Lol.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Obviously lawyers do lots of different things, and how much money they get varies widely.

    The greater the need that they serve, the less money they will get. Those who most need a lawyer are those who have the least ability to pay.

    The middle-class family exists for one reason, to exploit and abuse children. Most of the time the "work ethic", "self-reliance ethic" and all are used to crush people's attempts to get an education and develop and apply their abilities.

    We all have to fight against this, and using all available means.

    This will be one of the central charges of the organization I am building.

  • CC99
    6 years ago
    Your parents want you to be happy and successful. Usually, making plenty of money is part of that. But not everybody needs to or should want to be rich. Middle class would suit most people just fine.
  • Sjg get off my thread.

    And I know. I told him middle class lwyer salary (65k) is fine for me..he got annoyed when I sid that.

    Whaterver.he is still gonna pay for my law school tuition..and if he doesnt j dont need him I was planning to go with full scholarship so I dont have to depend on him :))) k
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No excuse for exonerating parents.

  • He could never get into law school if he tried so needs to stop telling me how much money I should make if I can graduate law school with no debt and become a lawyer.
  • Not mad at him anymore
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    The top is subjective
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Nicole, success is not dictated by the $$$$. Be happy with your chosen profession. I actually looked that up back when I was in college and it really surprised me how little the average lawyer makes. But, I decided that it all depends on the individual. The limit can be infinitely and only YOU can define that limit. People told me that my future was a dream. Just so happens, I live my dream. You can as well.
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    Infinity. Damn autocorrect!!!
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I told my children if they want to go to college get a scholarship or a job. and they did. and are doing well. none are lawyers. (nor am i.)
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ me too. I do not respect lawyers unless they are Female and like to cuddle while looking at my cock. But, that’s just me.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I like Nicole but I think her views of the legal profession are naive and unrealistic.

    I think her reasons for wanting to be in it are admirable though
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    Many professions make more money as they get more experience. It's mainly young people who expect to make as much as those with a certain level of experience right from the start. Then later on big companies try to hire younger workers to do the same job as older workers and if you are successful at training them, the big companies let you go and call it cost savings. The joke is on the big companies because the younger workers often quit if they are suddenly expected to work two jobs like the older employee was doing. Of course lawyers get hired to figure out how the big companies can avoid getting sued for age discrimination. Some guys making good money think any good looking girl won't need to work for a living. She just needs the right guy. I heard a guy say this just a couple weeks ago while watching a hot Twin Peaks girl.
  • gawker
    6 years ago
    Successful lawyers make good money. I know a relative in his 40’s who just made partner in a firm with over 300 lawyers.he’ll be into 7 figures every year. Another lawyer I know is a criminal defense attorney, loves his work on DUI’s, barroom fights, an occasional divorce, solicitation, etc. He has a good year when he breaks $100,000. Others aren’t even working in law - real estate, insurance, other related fields. Like any other profession, ymmv.
  • 1) I'm not the one who cares about the $$...my dad does.

    2) icey omg I'm not naive. Sure I said I wanna b too dawg while I was mad but I Can still b top dawg. Or one of them .
  • boomer79
    6 years ago
    There is a great deal of variation in earnings among lawyers. Some don’t do very well and some make huge amounts. They cover the entire spectrum in between as well.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The Nazi party already exists SJG; no need to build it yourself. Niceole if you think 65k is a middle class lawyer's salary then you're reading the back of a cereal box for your research. Thats simply ignorance. By the way; try to be more ungrateful is that is possible. When you accept money from people, you owe them. I paid for my own education, so I earned the right to do what I want. You were given one for no cost and are acting as a self-entitled, immature, child. By the way just who the fuck is top dog? The one who makes the most money? The one who volunteers the most and lives humbly? My Dad took me, at age 4, to view the "nursery school" i would attend: Little Folk Farm. In the parking lot my life was laid out to me: nursery school, Kindergarten, elementary school, Junior High, High School, College, then Law School. I understand that aspect of your posts, but I do not understand the ridiculousness and laziness of your generation.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Doesn’t matter what you think Nicole, no matter how you slice it up, if you have more money life is better.
    Money may not make people happy but the lack of it sure does make people unhappy.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    No, money is nothing. If you're shit without it you're shit with it. It can but comfort and a bit of security, but it doesn't buy happiness. It often makes people more unhappy. You end up with people liking you for what you have to offer,not for you. Just means bigger bills, maybe even debt. Causes stress...
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ spoken like a true broke ass panhandler
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    Im no where near broke but fast money moves quick. Having money isn't attractive, the ability to lose it and make it all back, that's what bitches like.

    I think you're either mentally ill or argue for the sake of arguing. There are so many rich people who are self destructive, drugs alcohol etc only difference between them and a crackhead on the streets is that they can afford their habits.
  • Money is important , but after a certain amount it gives diminishing returns on happiness.

    For you and my father 25, that might be that 100km. Howveer for me, I'm perfectly ok with 70k.

    My dream isn't to make a 100 k, but to make law review (top 10%) in law school. I pray that dream comes true.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ LOLZ
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Never underestimate the power of money, it doesn’t make unhappy people happy, what it does is it removes a source of unhappiness from your life.
    Think of it this way, if you can’t afford the basic necessities for life, life becomes very complicated, you start living a very complicated existence, the stress of being broke is very real, and causes more complications than just being unhappy.
    Money itself will not make you happy, but if your gonna be unhappy anyway might as well have enough money to live better.
  • "if you can’t afford the basic necessities for life, life becomes very complicated, .."

    ...which is why I never said. Money was not important , but $$ beyond a certain income is not always important. .

    Money itself will not make you happy, but if your gonna be unhappy anyway might as well have enough money to live better...

    65k with no kids or hubby is more than enough for that thx
  • Top 10% in law school letssssss go :)
  • Nidan111
    6 years ago
    @nicole. You could alway resort to cuddling for extra cash if needed.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ maybe so but after taxes it’s gonna be rough planning a future. At some point in your life that will change, unless you’re just a loser with a street mentality like phat head, and intend to live a thug life.
    If that’s the case disregard anything that I said please.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    No matter what career or lifestyle choices you make, being a slave to the dollar will never make you happy. Its like a drug, its never enough, always chasing the next fix. Do what you love.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Nichole, you know that the people who most need a lawyer are those who have no ability to pay.

    Here, I think the pay rate for court appointed lawyers was like $90 per hour, for example doing appeals work. Those that are good at it can do 2000 hrs per year, and try to minimize expenses.

    Probably if you just look at what Deputy DA's and Public Defenders get, less than $180k per year, but with benefits and no expenses, that is probably a middle.

    But it is up to you, what ever you want to do.

    I know your not asking me, but I would say your Dad is being a jackass, and I would have zero reservations about telling him so.

  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^ Soak your head, alternating between vinegar and baking soda .
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    You can make an ethical living doing pro bono work working for non profits and then contract shit on the side to max the sale. You don't even have to work in law per se. I have a close friend who graduated from Cornell law school, works in entertainment.....contracts and legal consulting for agents and hip hop stars
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