Hey there, I have done some digging on this subject, and can't seem to come up with a concrete answer.
Backstory: I was at Follies right after Thanksgiving, and had a REALLY wild experience with a certain dancer there (even for Follies standards, IMHO). She was asking a pretty penny to go to VIP after some couch dances, but I was running low on time, and we couldn't come to terms, so I had to bail.
Anyhow, as I was thinking back on it, I am almost positive that I have seen her name mentioned in reviews before, but can't remember if it was positive or negative.
I would like to go back when I'm back in town soon and seal the VIP deal if possible, albeit for a slightly lower rate, but in the back of my head I keep thinking I'd love to find the review(s) I'm thinking of.
Anyhow, I'm sure we have all noticed that the search function is pretty bare bones. In fact, it just defaults to a Google search of the entire TUSCL site. I did find an old thread where someone mentioned a kinf of work around, where you would say search: Follies "dancer's name". It seems to narrow it down a bit, but it still is pretty non specific. IE it would bring up an entire daily review page to comb through, but if the quoted name you are searching for is common, or found in reviews for other clubs, it will throw the results off.
Does anyone know of another method to say exclusively search reviews from one specific club only?
Again, it's really not the biggest deal, but my curiosity has gotten the best of me, and I just can't seem to find anything. Searching through the 18 million reviews of Follies individually can be pretty daunting, lol!
A few ATL regulars I have conversed with have offered their help, but didn't have too much specific Intel about the dancer in question.
I'll probably post the review pretty soon, but I'm purposely holding off on it for a bit. Thanks for any help you can offer!