
spin. post your favorite stripper amnesia moments

from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:26 AM
thread is a spin off larryfisherman's thread what are some of yalls favorite "stripper suddenly got amnesia" moments


  • impala
    6 years ago
    I had one years ago swear up and down that I was someone else who had lent her money. I ran with it, she still couldn't pay me back but "made it up to me".
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    It isn't truly amnesia, but strippers can't remember anything after SJG gives them the chloroform treatment
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    As I’m walking into a club - my cousin is just opening the door to vip (after finishing with a dancer). He’s still pulling up his pants - when I shout over to him and say “Hi!” We both knew about each other’s hobby. That wasn’t an issue. He goes directly to the men’s room - and I didn’t see him after that. The dancer comes to me - and tells me that my cousin owes her money. I know my cousin is a bit greasy - so it’s entirely possible he tried to skip out. I ask the dancer how much he owes. She tells me $100. When I hear that I decide I’m not going to play along. I tell her that I don’t have that kind of money. She’s disappointed - and she gets called to the stage. I move to another corner of the bar. I describe my cousin to the bartender - but I don’t say he’s my cousin. The bartender frowns and says that guy is bad news. He’s got a reputation for skipping out on everything - drinks, lappers and vip sessions! As I’m chatting with the bartender - the dancer who my cousin stiffed - comes over and starts up a conversation like she’s never seen me before. It was like Groundhog Day -
  • a21985
    6 years ago
    At my last SC visit, I was one of only a few custies there (and the only one at the bar) during the early afternoon shift and an older dancer (not at all attractive by my or most SC dancer levels) comes over to me and starts trying to chat. She's just getting her hustle on, so while I can't blame her, I let her know I'm biding my time enjoying the view and am not looking for company just yet. She doesn't leave me alone and eventually gives me a stripper handshake out of nowhere. I more explicitly let her know I'm not interested and after that she moves on. Like 5 minutes later, she swings by again. No new custies have come in in the mean time and I haven't moved from my perch at the bar. There's no possible way to confuse me for someone else. She starts up with the same exact pitch she just did like we didn't just go through it and gives me another unsolicited stripper handshake. I again rebuffed her but yet even a bit more forecefully and quickly got up to find the hottest stripper in the vicinity to start talking to simply in order to get that other dancer off of me.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I don’t remember ;)
  • TxVegas
    6 years ago
    I like it when they danced for you thirty minutes before and come up to you with the same sales pitch. When you remind them that they just gave you dances, they try and play it off like it was a joke. I imagine there is a large amount of going through the motions in stripping.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    There’s this one hot blonde that works in a Detroit strip club. She always talks about how much she likes doing percrsiption drugs, so take into account she’s probably fried her brain, and she’s a blonde to begin with. I’ve fucked this girl 4 times, 2 times I spent the entire evening with her at the club. Never has remembered me - EVER.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^^^Thats likely why !;)
  • rl27
    6 years ago
    I had one dancer at Bogarts and one dancer at Criket Detroit the who I had just spent some nice time with both the next day start off with the same “Where you from. Ever been here before. What kind of women do you like,” etc. speal. Both said the “I was a bit drunk yesterday and don’t remember much” line.
  • gothamyte
    6 years ago
    this was in the early 2000s. i would get a lappie from a current favorite at the time and my dick would be totally out while she sat on it with her thong on and she'd grind on me. this was our routine. one day, while we're doing this she begins to verbally criticize the new dancer who she notices is doing the same thing that we are and she points it out to me. then, my dancer, my CF, says she would never do that with any customer no matter how much he paid her. she finds it disgusting and cheap. as she is sitting on my outted dick grinding on it. i felt like i was having an out-of-body exprience. what could i do but just nod and agree along. come to think of it, i probably LDK'd only once even though we did our routine every time. and of course, she would take her hand and position my dick where she wanted it for maximum grinding fun for both of us. that one time she said that, i felt really, really small. physically, mentally...
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Great avatar Shailynn!
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