
Does SJG actually write this crap im·promp·tu?

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Or does he have a bunch of templates full of nonsense that he copies and pastes from at will?


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There’s this subreddit I always suspected he copy’s and pastes from. It’s called “stupid shit to say to annoy the fuck out of people.”

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He believes the shit he posts. He views the world from a bizarre perspective - so his reality isn’t a regular human reality. It’s almost a parallel existence.

So when you couple that with his diarrhea of the keyboard - you get bizarre posts.

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The group I am working to build will be a kind of parallel existence, except that we will be making money off of all of you and stealing the best of your women.


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You couldn't steal shit from crazyjoe. We'd cap your dumbass if you tried.

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Are paganism, orgies, and chaos magic already the religion of the monied elite? Stanley Kubrick seemed to think so.


And then is Christianity just an okeydoke to keep the masses in harness?


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So reading Occult Paris by Tobias Churton, getting drawn in deeper and deeper. So we have this: Antoine Fabre d'Olivet, big influence in Martinism, and was influenced by early Martinism. May be a reactionary though. Remember that all of this is in the wake of disillusionment over the goals and ideals of 1789, and Napoleon.


yes, and available

Histoire philosophique du genre humain. English

and yes, available, and highly inflenced by d'Olivet

Cain : a dramatic mystery in three acts / by Lord Byron; translated into French verse and refuted in a series of philosophical and critical remarks preceded by a letter addressed to Lord Byron upon the motives and the purpose of this work, by Fabre d'Olivet, MDCCCXXIII; done into English by Nayán Louise Redfield.

And then he influenced this en.wikipedia.org

Édouard Schuré

Not sure if I can find any books by such in English


Yes, ^^^ is his main one.

The great initiates : a study of the secret history of religions / by Édouard Schuré ; translated from the French by Gloria Rasberry ; introduction by Paul M. Allen (1961), but availability is a problem


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So much of the above is right in sync with Helena P. Blavatsky and her writings of some received tradition, passed on via initiations, and going back before the earliest known civilizations. Either they were influencing her, or she was influencing them. Some have written that some day Blavatsky will be credited as being as influential as Freud on the development of the 20th Century.


A musician who learned how by playing to women undressing in a strip club brothel. I think it shows, as he became the star of this show.


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Also following along with Blavatsky and her Theosophical Society,

Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (1842 - 1909)


Wrote about this advanced civiliation at this place AGARTTHA, in the Tibetan Himalayas. And as we are in the Hindu Kali Uga, which started 3200 BCE, AGARTTHA since sunk into the ground, and though it lives on, it is hidden. This guy is one of the inventors of the idea of Synarch, bascially a shadow government needing to be built. This is no good, always fascism. But some say something like this is behind today's EU.


Led Zeppelin - Danish TV 1969


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Some books, from reading Atlantic Monthly


Still Evangelical?

Still evangelical? : insiders reconsider political, social and theological meaning / edited by Mark Labberton. (2018)

Jamie Quatro, Fire Sermon


Fire sermon : a novel / Jamie Quatro. (2018)

The Common Good, Robert Reich, 2018



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The Rosicrucian Lectorium, based in the Netherlands, started in the 1920's, is the newest of the 4x Rosicrucian Groups operating in the US, really getting going strong after WWII, and with a large facility in Bakersfield CA. They put a huge emphasis on the Cathars and their leaders have written books about it.





Aerosmith Walk This Way


Booker T and the MG's


Hank and Cupcakes, paint only


The Vietnam War PBS Episode 3: The River Styx (January 1964-December 1965)


Episode 4


The Battle For Puerto Rico


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Henri Barbusse


In Colin Wilson's 'The Outsider' he starts with


Also Huysmans J K Joris Karl 1848 1907 , we have in English

La Bas ( Down There )


A rebours ( Against Nature ) or ( Against The Grain )


My Pentecostal Daughter Molestor's Appeals case, after some years of grandstanding, died in a fizzle, last month. He is going to be a guest of the state for quite some time. :) :) :)

But his church still runs and it is full of familial child abuse of all types.

ex-Doors, Moscow 2011


The Vietnam War Season 1 Episode 03 The River Styx (January 1964December 1965)


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J. K. Huysmans


Le drageoir aux épices (1874)

Marthe (1876)

Les Soeurs Vatard (1879)

Sac au dos (1880)

Croquis Parisiens (1880, 2nd ed. 1886)

En ménage (1881)

Pierrot sceptique (1881, written in collaboration with Léon Hennique)

À vau-l'eau (1882)

L'art moderne (1883)

À rebours (1884)

En rade (1887)

Un Dilemme (1887)

Certains (1889)

La bièvre (1890)

Là-bas (1891)

En route (1895)

La cathédrale (1898)

La Bièvre et Saint-Séverin (1898)

La magie en Poitou. Gilles de Rais. (1899) (see Gilles de Rais)

La Bièvre; Les Gobelins; Saint-Séverin (1901)

Sainte Lydwine de Schiedam (1901, France) (on Saint Lydwine de Schiedam) (Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur) Saint Lydwine of Schiedam, translated from the French by Agnes Hastings (London, 1923, Kegan Paul)

De Tout (1902)[13]

Esquisse biographique sur Don Bosco (1902)

L'Oblat (1903)

Trois Primitifs (1905)

Le Quartier Notre-Dame (1905)

Les foules de Lourdes (1906)

Trois Églises et trois Primitifs (1908)

So Au Rebors (1884) and La-Bas (1891), read in that order

Against nature = Á rebours / J.-K. Huysmans ; translated with an introduction and notes by Brendan King. 2008

The damned = Là-bas / Joris-Karl Huysmans ; translated and with an introduction and notes by Terry Hale. 2001


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