Need advice for a Stripper friend in Florida

avatar for chalkyhill
Pathetic Loser Situation. I have a stripper friend who has been at a club in Florida working but not doing so well, and now the hurricane is going to shut down business for awhile probably. She is small but very muscular and probably one of the most athletic pole dancers . Probably some guys find her too muscular but some love her(me especially), she also is not the type that can do a hard sell on the floor. Which club in northern Florida or out of state even (ATL maybe) would be the best bet for her where pole dancing is most appreciated or where the money is at least steady. Want advice for her but don't want to have to help her financially if possible. Leaving out details to protect her identity but would appreciate any kind of constructive advice along with making fun of me.


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We will assume of course, that you will be paying her Uber fare to get there and "loan" her the first week of motel fees. Lol Actually I would not be surprised to see more variations of this thread posted from South Florida next week. Clubs will be closed for repairs and PLs preoccupied with other concerns.
I doubt any of the clubs in Florida, even northern Florida, are going to do any business this weekend or next week.

Follies is seemingly the most popular club in the south so I would assume it would be a good option for a steady stream of money. However, I don't think the stage shows are where the cash comes from.
Follies dancers don't make shit on stage. Plus dancers need a $100 permit from the city of Chamblee.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Makes me wonder what Houston dancers are doing. Probably in Dallas for a while.
I can't imagine there are any clubs left where pole dancing skills alone lead to a good payday. Kind of a lost art.
I don't expect Florida clubs to be closed for very long. A day, maybe 2.
I'd suggest clubs with a tall pole where guys sometimes do tip for acrobatics and two-girl acts. Scores in Mooresville NC comes to my mind. See my reviews of it.
Should mention she is a black dancer.
Anyplace on the east coast is subject to disruption from the hurricane. For example, if it goes through the middle of Florida like the last map I saw, atlanta coukdl be directly in the path. I'd go west, maybe New Orleans or Dallas.
avatar for KJ702
7 years ago
Tell her come to Houston ! Curfew is over
Her best bet is to come Orlando.
We probably have the best clubs in the state and since we are the middle of the state the storm impact should be minimal.
Thanks gentlemen.
avatar for crazyjoe
7 years ago
Tell them to shit at McD's
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