
(OT) The Latest: Black Lives Matter Minneapolis Issurs Apology

TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
If this doesn't show you how far liberals go to promote false agendas, I don't know what does.

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - The Latest on social media speculation after St. Paul man hanged himself. (all times local):

8:10 p.m.

Black Lives Matter Minneapolis has apologized on its Facebook page after sharing photos of a man who officials say hanged himself in a city park.

The post had sparked social media speculation that the man in the photo was black and that his hands were tied behind his back. Michael Bringle was white.

On the group's page Tuesday night, Black Lives Matter Minneapolis says it retracted its earlier statements after "more information came out & Mr.Bringle's family came forward." The group says "it became clear that this was an unfortunate incident caused by mental illness."

St. Paul police say a passerby discovered the 50-year-old Bringle hanging from a tree early Tuesday. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

7:45 p.m.

Police and relatives of a Minnesota man who officials say hanged himself in a city park want the public to stop sharing photos of his death that have sparked social media speculation that he was the victim of a hate crime.

St. Paul police say a passerby discovered 50-year-old Michael Bringle hanging from a tree early Tuesday. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports a Facebook post that featured a photo of Bringle included speculation that the man was black and that his hands were tied behind his back. Bringle was white.

The post has been shared thousands of times.

The Ramsey County medical examiner says there's no evidence the death was anything other than a suicide. St. Paul Police Sgt. Mike Ernster called the post disgusting.

Bringle's sister, Kelly Brown-Rozowski, said at a press conference that her brother should be remembered as a kind person and the rumors only compounded their tragedy.


  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Black Lies Matter - facts do not.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    When will people in general, and the media in particular, simply accept that white on black racism and violence is simply not that pervasive a problem? Every time someone is shot, they try to make it a right-wing fanatic, and it ALWAYS 100% OF THE TIME is a registered democrat, Muslim radical, or BLM activist. Every bomb scare since 2010 was made to be a Tea Party supporter, until facts proved it was ISIS or AQ supported or inspired.
    Just drop the agenda, mainstream media. This country would be much more united and peaceful if they would stop making up all these problems and antagonism that we do not actually have.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "facts do not."

    LOL! Says our number one birther nut!!!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Why don't you just post I am a racist, and I don't like liberals, because other than that there is no point to this at all.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    That's a news article posting right? I thought 25 was thinking about the news article being racist.

    Now that's funny shit right there!
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^My point was how remarkable, which ever side you're on, spin it like there's any relevance to the stupid story and your opinion.
  • Tiredtraveler
    7 years ago
    The consequence free environment that blm operates in is the problem.
    A hollow apology is to easy. It is like the commercial LBJ ran against Barry Goldwater the depicted him as a crazy wanting to start WW III with footage of the atomic tests and putting out a bald faced lie then later putting out and apology says "Sorry the commercial was a lie we just decided would be fun to make we did not actually mean it to be taken as true" Johnson the media darling got away with it just like the BLM is the media darling and gets away with these lies with no consequences because the next lie they put out will also be take seriously by the talking heads. "Hands Up Don't Shoot"
    While I am not saying there have not been abuses of power and they should be dealt with and the responsible parties be prosecuted including cops and politics.
    There are just as many non white hate groups as white hate groups.
    A hate group is a hate group! The media seems to only recognize white groups.
    Remember that the democrats are the authors of the Jim Crow laws and desegregation was implemented by Eisenhower but Johnson (a big time racist redneck hick from Stonewall TX) took the credit for it because it got votes.
    BLM wants violence for it own purposes, they do not give a shit about black lives or any other life. They care about green to line their pockets just like any other political movement.
    All lives matter and ANY murder by definition is a hate crime and should be dealt with the same way: public execution.
    I am weary of the bullshit spewing from the electronic talking heads who sit in their offices or studios on college campuses or office building with massive security forces protecting their worthless ignorant rhetoric spouting mouths.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Sorry but LBJ almost single handedly destroyed the KKK as a political force and Eisenhower was a do nothing president. Civil Rights act was 1964 and by then Eisenhower was long gone.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Well, her father voted for Goldwater. Close enough...
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    ...anyway an honest mistake is far different then believing in some bizarre-ass conspiracy theory. Right @SkiBirther?
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Similar thing happened in Atlanta last year except the young man was black. All evidence indicated a tragic suicide but social media blew up to the point that people from out of state were claiming that the klan had a rally and lynching. Not even the black police chief or black mayor could convince the social media nuts. No apologies from anyone on that case.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    --> "Outside of a dog, a book's a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too hard to read."
    --Groucho Marx

    One bit of advice given to me my a college professor is "always use two books: because books lie. If two books agree then you're probably on the right path."

    With Journalism this started with the over-reliance on Reuters and Associated Press feeds. Somewhere along the way MSM (and we) forgot how to do real journalism and verify facts. Nowadays MSM seems content to shiver gossip and infotainment on us. Are they made that we don't buy newspapers anymore? The Internet has been disruptive to them and they are amidst and paradigm shift without a clutch. Or that's how I think Groucho might have put it.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    The first time I read "paradigm shift without a clutch" was in a Dilbert comic strip. I wonder who first coined the phrase? The search for that answer is infinitely more important than anything Black Lies Matter has to say
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    You are correct, it was Dilbert. I wasn't sure if anyone would catch my alternate facts there. :). I'm trying to keep it light hearted and fun.

    I admit to getting sucked into BLM, too. I think it is possible some groups did not like that the discussion on the left was switching from race to class so the BLM boogie man could have been invented. I see the line of reasoning that not race but breakdown of the family post-LBJ's Great Society.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Random: It wasn't an honest mistake so your query cannot be answered. Skibirther is nothing more than your admission that I am correct. Man up.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    I'm just gonna slide on here to say gammanut, meat72, and skimbum like to say they're not racist and maybe they actually believe it but what I mean is I bet their favorite denomination of bills to get rid of is the $5...
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    Black Sabbath lives matter.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Che Not looking to provoke a long exchange but you don't think that people posting stupid ships like porch monkey or silly negro is at least kinda racist sounding, jes sayin, sort of like you have the right to say whatever shit is on your mind but if those kind of epithets aren't at the very least race baiting than what the fuck am I not getting.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I sort of agree about the biggest racist but you need to hear that using such derogatory terms is just stupid especially if you want people to listen to what you are saying not be turned off by your persona. At the very least using triggers, to try to prove a negative, is at the very least. un-intellectual and speaks to the posters own ignorance. Sorry but that is my take on the matter.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I don't know what the racebaiting SJW troll is saying, but I'll keep calling a spade a "spade." Someone has to.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Che I get it and mostly I agree my point was being politically incorrect is fine, but there is a time and a place for everything, spouting shit just to anger someone, is just rude and inconsiderate, all of the sugar coating any of these idiots put on it doesn't change one fact, and that is if you speak that way you think that way. That was my main point.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    As an aside to the nutcase that inserted his bigoted crap in between our convo, say what ever you like but I'll be the one laughing the loudest when you offend the wrong person and get your ass beat again. And be sure it will happen.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    I agree with Warhawks, Black Sabbath lives do matter!

    Those who call out people as being racist and those who are actual racists have something in common. They both have egos that are in control of them, and have an insatiable need to label something that is much larger than that person's comprehension. This means the ones who repeatedly label others racist, aren't any better than a racist. True story.
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