
100% Chance Country Would Have Gone Into Depression If Not for Obama

I was watching the market pretty much tick for tick in early 2009, and I can guarantee you that if Republicans had had their way the bottom would have fallen out of the markets and the country would have gone into depression. That is 100% certain. No rational person can seriously contest it although many irrational people on TUSCL will disagree I'm sure.

Republicans/Libertarian and Randroids are really living 100 to 150 behind the times and are a complete embarrassment to country and anyone who's brain has made it out the early 20th centurty.


  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Barrack Obama will go down in history as the worst President ever, with a list of achievments that would easily fit on the head of a pin. The funniest part is the embarrassing machinations his supporters go through to prove that he was better than Jimmy carter. If Obama were white he'd be John Kerry, just a better liar.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I don't see what he did that was so bad?

    He's certainly the best president in my lifetime. Better than Clinton even.

    I'll give this Trump guy a chance, but Obama is going to be a pretty hard act to follow.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^ about skidum. What do you expect from a self confessed tax cheat only pays his taxes if his candidate wins. WHAT A PATRIOT ! NOT
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I will say one thing despite not agreeing with many of this administrations policies, his reprieve from his duties will be a well deserved timeout from public service before taking some time off and figuring out what his next step will be. Holding Local office sucks let alone hearing all that bullshit on a national level. No thanks.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    You never really say anything, @SkiBirther -- one mindless rant after another.

    Any rational person would agree that the public sector needs to step in with a Keynesian stimulus when the country is in recession. If anything, the Obama stimulus was too weak, but the overall result was to boost employment and GDP over the years. Out-of-the box thinking at the Fed by Bernanke undoubtedly helped too, and the ECB eventually copied Bernanke to prevent a deflationary tailspin in Europe. Guys like Bernanke and Fischer are unsung heroes.

    Could have put this in one of the other threads, but Obamacare was a great accomplishment in getting 20M covered with health insurance. Unlike Sanders, Obama recognized that single-payer healthcare was politically impossible. Keeping the insurance industry in the loop while preventing denial of pre-existing conditions requires taxing more affluent people, requiring mandates, and giving subsides to the poor. There is no replacement for Obamacare, and people will simple die if it is repealed. In America we tolerate having this vast for-profit middleman (the insurance industry) even though it raises the cost of health insurance and restricts access to medical care.

    Obama's my favorite president in my lifestyle. Other Obama accomplishments like reducing our need for fossil fuels and getting Bin Laden. He's cool, thoughtful, and charismatic. Great speaker, too. Love this quote from his farewell address that reminds me of poor angry white guys (like @GammaNu):

    “If every economic issue is framed as a struggle between a hard-working white middle class and undeserving minorities,” he said, “then workers of all shades will be left fighting for scraps while the wealthy withdraw further into their private enclaves.” --Obama
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Meat made a good point in the other thread at only so much being about the president.

    Obama was the man needed to make the right decisions to keep the country out of depression in 2009, but once those decision were made it was the stock market, tech industries, and American entrepreneurship who took us from that to the economic boom we are currently in.

    At the same time, he seems to have stagnated toward the end of his presidency. No longer the man the times call for? Next step seems to be not just economic boom, but super turbo charged greatest economic boom in world history. Is Trump the man needed to make the correct decision to get out of the way of that? Early indications are looking good so I'm put my pre-election skepticism regarding the guy to the side for now.
  • etsutwigg222
    8 years ago
    Sorry to say this but people do not have health care just an increased tax to fund health insurance. More than half of the newly insured and previously middle class insured have insurance but can not use it because deductibles are $5000 to $6000 in order to obtain low monthly rates. Seems no one looks at the deductible as an up front cost. Why?????
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    ^^^ If you're dying of cancer and faced with a $300K bill for your chemotherapy and radiation treatment, that deductible may not look so bad
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Figures that the guys who look at the dancers as whores would support Obama as hypocrisy is the lifeblood pf the left. All the paltiudes about the mediocrity named Obama and not one person can point to a single act he took that kept America out of the pretend depression. Not one decision not one law. Just baseless platitudes. Perfect example: Obama reduced the need for fossil fuels. Not one example of what he did, not one cite to any source indicating that use of fossil fuels went down and if they did that they went down due to any reason other than worldwide economic stagnation. I pity you 25? Skidum? Is that an adult comment or an ignorant, impotent little boy comment? Buh bye Obmacare lol.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    ^^^Dumbass hahaha pay your taxes you tax cheat liar jagoff.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Obama's presidency caused me depression.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    skifag: "ll the paltiudes about the mediocrity named Obama and not one person can point to a single act he took that kept America out of the pretend depression"

    Think I named about seven of them in the other thread.


    I'm not on the left or right, btw. Prefer to think about what will happen as opposed to what should happen.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Obama did a good job with stimulus to restart. But he missed his FDR moment by not re-regulating or even nationalizing the banks. And there really is no creation of living wage stable jobs. Just junk jobs, and during his administration. So it would be even worse under someone to the right of him, like Clinton, or those even worse. And so because workers are feeling fear and anxiety, our political process has completely broken down.


    Yanis Varoufakis Explains Greece's Financial Crisis (Pt. 1)

    Yanis Varoufakis and Dave Rubin Talk Greece's Financial Crisis (Full Interview)

    Counts himself as a Libertarian Marxist.

    One of the last chapters of this talks about such:




    TJ Street



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