
Emotional Strippers

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Friday, December 9, 2016 3:06 PM
The holidays are starting to make some of these girls emotional, or so it would seem. I had two girls crying last night, one because I wouldn't take her OTC and another who I did take OTC. The first one was a hot ass girl who I've talked about before on here. I won't take her OTC anymore because she gives a lousy BJ, plain and simple. Last night she was drunk and apparently felt hurt and rejected. After 30 minutes of hounding me, the manager actually came over, brought her back to the dressing room and then escorted her out of the club. The second girl is another hot piece of ass that I've seen OTC a few times now. Her BJ is not great, but much better than what the other girl offers. Anyway, this one was crying after we finished in the hotel room. Apparently she was emotional about her life circumstances and having to do this to provide a good Xmas for her sons. And oh yeah, she's married, something which I just learned at that moment. Putting aside how I felt about someone crying after they had sex with me, lol, I ran through my usual lines about how nobody had a right to judge how she earns a living unless they're paying the bills, how she is a hero for doing what she needs to for her kids, etc.,etc., until she calmed down. I have a hard northeast accent delivery that makes it sound natural and like I really believe what I am saying. In her case I actually do believe most of that, but all too often I am saying that shit to chicks that don't really deserve it. Anywho... What the fuck, lol.


  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I hope you never volunteer to man a suicide hotline. I'll admit I do have a white-knight gene and tales of woe do make me feel for the dancers; it's just that it's not often easy to tell if their tales are real or SS - if they're genuine I do feel for her but I accept the fact that in reality there's nothing I can do even if I wanted to - I did try once about 10 years ago and later than sooner realized no matter what I did her circumstances would not change b/c she wouldn't change.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    You want to fuck women, or do you want to fuck fembots? Women are emotional. But that is how you can get under their skin. Learn to make it work with them. It is worth it. SJG
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I thought crying after sex was perfectly normal. Except I'm the one who usually cries. Ha ha! Just a little gallows humor! Anyway, I've found this too. I had one ATF in particular with whom crying, huge emotional fights over nothing, etc., was typical around Christmas.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Yeah; maybe the holidays has something to do w/ it
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    For every overly-emotional stripper, there are dozens of men in mid-life crisis who can't tell the difference b/w a paid sex-worker and a genuine lover.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    rickdugan is a gay cocksucker!
  • footballguy
    8 years ago
    My ATF texted me once an hour before we were gonna meet up for our usual OTC session. She was very emotional about how how she during think she was doing a good job raising her boys as a single mom of 3 and how unfair it was that her kids dad didn't care about them. Of course I reassured her, as I was driving to her place I figured the sex was either gonna be bad cause she was emotional and wasn't in the mood to fake being into it or it was gonna be even better sex than normal cause I listened to her and reassured her the best I could. I'm glad to say it ended up being the even better sex :)
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    They were crying because that glare on the shiny ass suit you were wearing blinded them.
  • rogertex
    8 years ago
    footballguy - good for you! yeah - emotional woman can go either way. Glad you lucked out
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