
For those PLs of us who think that using your own phone and computer is safe

I have always said if you want to be discreet about your activities you should always use cash and have a burn phone that is essentially untraceable.
As the below article partially illuminates no mater what "chat, text or phone hiding app" you use it is still relatively easy to track you personal phone.
I turn off my work phone and pull the battery when I club. I have never given a dancer my real name or phone number because they do not give me theirs so why should I.
I am not married so I do this because of work and so I am not bothered by "hey baby when you comin in" calls which translate to: "I need money"
I do not think the powers that be would care what I do on my own time but you never know. Discretion is the better part of valor.
I used to carry a burn phone but it got to be a pain so I simply do not give out my number and the time(s) when I need to leave my phone on it is always locked.
Posting anything on FaceButt is like running your personal life up a flag pole and shouting LOOK HERE WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING.
I am not surprised that the thieving weasel the owns facebutt tracks your every post and movement then sells that information to anyone who is asking with a little money. What many do not know is that google and faceb... track you where every you go in many cities if you have the app on you phone to target/tailor advertisements to your habits and travels.(simply by signing up you give them permission to track you)



  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I agree that posting crap on Facebook is an invitation to disaster. And paying in cash or prepaid cards is important if you have a spouse who is likely to see credit card and bank statements. But everything else the article talks about is pretty basic stuff that everybody should be aware of these days, and it shouldn't be hard to avoid detection if you have a good understanding of technology.

    In my opinion pulling your phone battery, refusing to give out your number, etc is insanely paranoid. Even if you're married. Just don't let the wife, or whoever, have access to your phone or computer. And there's no way that a burn phone ap can be traced to you as long as nobody gains access to your phone and you don't use your real identity in signing up.

    I don't even get this paranoid when I'm high as fuck. But if I did feel this way Id just stop clubbing.

  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Maybe I am a little paranoid but I discovered that facebutt had a profile on me despite the fact I never have had an account built from my inclusion on friends accounts. They even went so far as to send multiple "invitations" to me telling me I could open and account by just signing and OKing them to build an account for me. I responded both via email and regular mail to cease and desist, they were to delete all information about my person.
    I simply pay cash in clubs and don't give out my phone number.
  • s88
    8 years ago
    I've never associated my android phone with a Google account. Installing apps is very complicated but my phone is then anonymous to Google unless you subpoena my wireless carrier.

    My FB has neither my photo, nor any posts on it.

    "I turn off my work phone and pull the battery when I club. I have never given a dancer my real name or phone number because they do not give me theirs so why should I."

    At work, I always carry my personal phone and my work phone. I leave my work phone at home on its charger when I SC. My non-SC friends only know my work phone or I make them move my personal phone to the alternative position in their contacts so they dont text or call me on my personal phone by default. My whores only know my personal phone.

    If you know a stripper for months ITC, and after half a dozen to a dozen VIP room trips. Or if you run into a stripper OTC in day to day life (small city). If I know their real name, they can have mine. Atleast if they go off the deep end, I can tell the cops I know who shot me.

    Most/all strippers in my area over the age of 22 are sex positive, and do not hide their jobs from anyone. Real names aren't that valuable to keep secret anymore. If a stripper is a model, music artist, visual artist, or theater performer as her day job, they are always looking for customers who would let them rise in their day job or get them an "in" to something. If they forever stay as "Bambi" ITC, they never know what OTC connections they missed out on. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I guess it mainly depends on where you work. For example I work for a small family owned company where the Vice President and I have strip clubbed together before. Now if I worked for a big corporation like my father, yeah I'd be a lot more cautious. My father used to work for a company where strip club visits were expected on the expense report.

    Technology is scary though. I have my "location" turned on inside my iPhone and every time I get into my car no matter where in the county I am it says how long it will take me to get home.

    Now if I could just set it to tell me automatically where the nearest Church's Chicken or Popeyes is I'd be a lot more happy.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    I'm still in the dark ages, no personal or work phone. No one can call me or know where I'm at. haha. Except via landlines.
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    With regard to one's employer caring, if one works for any large American corporation, there's often a section buried somewhere in the employee materials about behaviour or activities that are illegal or might bring "discredit or disfavor" (read, "bad publicity") on the company. The wording of most of them allows these sorts of things to be used as justification for termination.

    So, yes, you are wise to hide your activities from your employer.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Wow. Sounds like a lot of paranoia. Anyone have any true stories of anyone losing their job for simply hoping to a SC?
    Granted, I don't want to be the first.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    ^ going not hoping
  • Lone_Wolf
    8 years ago
    Yea, seems way way way over cautious for a single guy unless someone is a public figure. In my experience, these honeys want discretion just as much as I do. To each his own though. I agree about FB.
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