
What would you do, pt. 2

avatar for chattguy123

So you are outside a club and see a dancer pull up with seemingly all her possessions in her car.

Does that make you a predator or an opportunist? Lol.


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
8 yrs ago

Depends on what you would do, that would make you a dick or a nice guy, I'd always be the nice guy.

avatar for chattguy123
8 yrs ago

I just saw her dance on stage and she looks like a wacky inflatable wavy arm man. I'll pass lol.

avatar for sharkhunter
8 yrs ago

It depends what she had to offer and if I was interested.

I'd probably just ignore her.

avatar for shailynn
8 yrs ago

Move her into my moms basement. Oh sorry I thought you asked what SJG would do.

avatar for chattguy123
8 yrs ago

That was plan z.

avatar for ButterMan
8 yrs ago

If she was hot I'd be thinking she is game! An opportunity has arisen

avatar for gammanu95
8 yrs ago

Sounds like too much drama.

avatar for maho
8 yrs ago

Was recently leaving the club one night around 10:00 and was waiting outside on valet for my car. This gigantic SUV pulls up and a dancer gets out with a couple of large bags. I walked back and opened 2 sets of doors for her into the club and she gave a polite thank you.

avatar for Dominic77
8 yrs ago

It wouldn't alter my approach. Her station and my station I life - I leave that shit at the door when I go into the strip club. She deserved to be treated fairly as do we all.

avatar for vincemichaels
8 yrs ago

Ask her to go home with you and bang the shit outta her !!

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