

Thursday, March 24, 2016 3:46 PM
Well, it looks like I am stuck in Houston for the night. Any recommendations? Would love a club with solid mileage.


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Never been there, but people say that that is a high mileage place. They also have Asian Hostess Bars with back rooms which are just like in AMPs. But unlike in an AMP, you can engage in preliminary front room fraternizing with women dressed really slutty. And sometimes this can lead to the ultimate, Front Room GFE. If you can get it going this way, then your back room session will be mind blowing. On the other hand though, in some of those places the women are kind a gross. Got to be careful. If it were me I'd find one I like, do that awesome session, and then take her home with me. Good Luck SJG Strauss - Also sprach Zarathustra - Dudamel w/ pipe organ playing 32' C. Often this does not come through well on computer speakers. [view link]
  • DroidX
    8 years ago
    Sounds like a good idea. Thanks!
  • busta_nut
    8 years ago
    St James
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I second "St James"
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    well san_jose_guy? since you've never been there and know nothing at all about Houston are you going to agree or disagree with @busta-nut and @shailynn's recommendation?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I consider busta_nut and shailynn to be highly knowledgeable and credible, and so I would accept whatever they say as complete bonafide truth. But I still would also point out from reviews that we also know that Houston has some notorious Black Clubs. And when I travel much of the rest of the country it is to these Black Clubs that I will go first, not to the more upscale and more white clubs. And then about the Asian Hostess Bars, I have not ever even seen anything like these places that the reviews describe in Houston. So I would also go to these. I would do the Black Clubs and Asian Hostess Bars, before I would do St. James or Treasures, because that is what I want. But I still hold the highest regards for any recommendations coming from busta_nut and Shailynn. SJG
  • DoctorPhil
    8 years ago
    so you have an opinion based on other peoples' opinions because you have no knowledge or experience to base your own opinion on yet you feel compelled to give someone who is actually going out to a strip club in Houston your recommendations which you divined from your mother's basement in San Jose. yeah you are definitely loonier than a canadian forty-three peso bill
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I have vast local experience, plus I have reviews and posts about other places from TUSCL and [view link]. I'm not really recommending to the OP, I'm just letting him know what is being reported about Houston. That style of Asian Hostess Bar I have not even heard of being anywhere else, and certainly they could never get away with doing it that way here. And then of the Black Clubs, they sound like they are the most extreme, where the girls just come and sit on your lap and start nibbling on your ear and licking your neck. They are defying you to start making out with them. When done that way, the back room session will be phenomenal. So while I cannot vouch first hand for what is being said about Houston, I have such vast local experience that I have good reason to believe what is being said about Houston and I know what to look for in the written accounts because of what I have experienced locally. I am more interested in dives and other sorts of extreme venues. I don't really care about the more restrained and upscale clubs. SJG
  • sclvr5005
    8 years ago
    St james sucks. Any other choice is better.
  • DroidX
    8 years ago
    I'm at Treasure's to start. It was in walking distance. Pretty slow so far, but I'm only 10 min in.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Pretty slow? What does that mean, not many girls climbing onto you yet? Not many people in the club? Tell us what sort of an experience you are looking for? Does a place with black girls who help themselves onto your lap and give you very little choice but to start making out with them, and then to continue in the back room, appeal to you? It does to me. Do places where you can start making out with Asian Sluts, and then continue in an AMP style back room appeal to you? It does to me. Since you are posting from the club, 'real time reviews', how about you let some of your girls post some words of their own? SJG Listening to Music, Yale [view link]
  • RTP
    8 years ago
    I like Centerfolds ( a short drive from where you are) better than Treasures. There is a big hustle factor at Centerfolds also, but Treasures is the worst for that.
  • DroidX
    8 years ago
    Sorry I couldn't respond, I was actually getting dances at Treasure's. My definition, SJG, of pretty slow is no one approaching me and not many dancers. Right after I posted, and during your long diatribe, I received 7-8 dances from a tall brunette named Sin. I suppose I could have let her post her own words, but she was busy grinding her sweet ass on me. I don't pay them to type. I enjoyed myself, and that's all that really matters to me.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I prefer to pick them myself, so not being approached is not an issue. Also, what I have always found to be the easiest is to just sit at their stage and do some tipping and preliminary interaction right there. That has always worked well. But I am comfortable just walking up to a girl if she is not with another customer. Not really interested in grinding myself, certainly not in paying any significant amount of money for it. That get's into Mr. LDK's territory. For myself, I'd rather be acting upon their anatomies. Male led advances is a much more civilian style. If say one was up in a TJ Hong Kong Bar hotel room with a girl, between rounds, that could be a good time to show her TUSCL and get her to post a few words. :) Enjoy Yourself, SJG
  • fastscrs
    8 years ago
    So, DroidX, what was the outcome of your club visits? Did you visit any others besides Treasures? For cheap thrills I'd recommend Playmates. Pretty run down with little to no privacy as there is no VIP room and all the dances are out in the open but dancers let you do pretty much what you want to them.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    " For cheap thrills I'd recommend Playmates." "dancers let you do pretty much what you want to them. " Sounds like my kind of place. I'm making a note of it. SJG
  • DroidX
    8 years ago
    @fastscrs on this trip, I only had time for Treasure's, but I'm sure I'll visit the city again soon. I'll definitely check out Playmates and St James on my next trip. I likely won't have to use Uber when I visit again.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    Since you were at Follies today, I assumed you did not get taken care of in Houston. LOL.
  • DroidX
    8 years ago
    @shadowcat - So true! Thank goodness for Follies. Twice as much mileage for half the cost.
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