
Dear Shaylnn

Monday, March 7, 2016 7:06 PM
Shalynn deep down i know your right. It's just hard to brake free of the shitty clean clubs i grew up in....as i get older and wiser i drive to follies more and more...soon follies will be the only club i go to


  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Yo I feel ya... I am fortunate enough to travel a great deal so I get a variety, but if I am in an area with weak clubs, I just stay in my hotel, or do something else. Detroit is a 5 hour drive from my home base. Instead of going to a shitty club locally twice a month, I go to Detroit (on average) once every two months for a full weekend. I would do the same if I lived closer to Atlanta, Phoenix, Miami, Tampa, etc. etc.
  • chattguy123
    8 years ago
    That sounds like a better plan. To juice, I'll meet you in greenville and we'll carpool to atl. I got those fire chacken fangers.
  • just_the_nuts
    8 years ago
    Bro that sounds good...let me know so i can save up for the trip And shaylnn ATL is 4-5 hours from my home...yea i need to do your strategy I would be a happier mane Thanks for sharing and caring guys
  • just_the_nuts
    8 years ago
    Once i get my kids raised if the D hasn't changed then i just might Until then i need to visit once a year in Jun or Jul lol
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