Year End Musings On My Time In The Hobby
Sitting at home with a tasty bottle of Latour begat some serious musings about my time in the SC culture and my life in general. In late 2009 I sold the company that represented my lifetime of work in the Western Canadian oil patch. I discovered the SC world with my first visit to a FS club in the spring of 2010 (Honey's in Everett, Wa.).<p> With my income and the time at my disposal this was like giving the key to the candy store to a wide-eyed five year old. I pretty much dove head first into the SC pool without discovering if I could swim in these waters. tuscl provided much valuable info and you grizzled tuscl vets were mostly kind to this rube's naive posts for advice on the discussion boards. I thank you all for that.<p> Some aspects of the hobby have troubled me from the beginning. The amount of money I spend to support my SC addiction is unsettling. Money is a topic of much discussion here on tuscl and my spending does not conform to what most tusclers spend. I have finally decided to just get over it. The amount that I spend, though large to other guys, is insignificant to me, so the hell with it!<p> Less easy for me to dismiss is my pathetic propensity to get emotionally involved with strippers. Obviously my lack of socialization as a young man is causing me this grief as I now consort with attractive young women. I was a cold-hearted hard-assed son of a bitch in business but I find it impossible to behave that way always with dancers. I am getting better at this, however.<p> These musings have made me realize that I am really not suited to a life as a SC hound. I will be getting back into my old game when my non-compete agreement expires in May, 2011. I think I will go after the boys who bought my company. They have not done well with what I left behind for them. It shouldn't take all that long to get their necks under my boots.<p> tuscl has certainly shown me what to do for entertainment after business meetings are over in Houston!
Say it ain't so, Art!
That's crazy talk!