
Help a brotha out

Alright...I normally don't seek advice but I really need y'all to help a brotha out on this one. Okay. That bird that I wrote about in my article was back in town.


She proclaimed how much she missed me since we last saw each other (possibly SS). She also said that she haven't found another customer yet that can take care of her both financially and in the bed room (maybe even more SS). Well, she starts by giving me a free dance, then she actually buys my drink for me on two separate occasions during the duration of my visit. Then to top it off she pays for the VIP room fee for an hour so we can do our little thang. After VIP we chatted for another couple of hours and the next time that she is in town she wants to book a hotel room for a weekend for just for the two of us with all of the free freaky sex that I could handle notwithstanding the fact that I still have to pay for dinner dates and events that we are going to.

I'm perplexed because I have never had any other dancer to give me free dances, pay my drinks, and pay for the VIP room fee all in one visit. I've had free sex from a couple of dancers before though. Me being the street-savvy person that I am, I was getting a little suspicious because this seems to good to be true. Remember, this is a very fine but older woman that is closing in on 40 and doesn't look it neither. This isn't the first time she has bought me drinks or paid for the VIP room fee neither. So my question is this: is she genuinely starting to like me or is this some sort of sales tactic that she is using. I'm not saying that I am falling for her but I've never even had a regular civilian women treat me this way. She did make reference on retiring from dancing and wanting to start a family on more than a few occasions throughout our conversation so I don't know.

A little background on this dancer: She is a licensed beautician and hair stylist that runs her own company. She does hair and makeup for the Love and Hip Hop Hollywood cast and she showed me pictures on her phone to verify it. She has multiple degrees and travels the country a lot. She also does photo shoots and modeling. She still dances solely for fun and enjoyment as she is not hurting financially. She also does some small acting roles in movies, music videos, and television and she even dated a celebrity once (Treach from the old hip hop group Naughty By Nature). She lives in LA and is caught up in the "celebrity" lifestyle there but travels primarily to Chicago, Atlanta, Las Vegas, and Phoenix for business. She seems bougie but she is a cool sweet woman.



  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    All you can ever do is just take it as it comes and see where it goes. In some situations you will just have to disconnect, or at least step back for a while. Not necessary to get into all the details.


    John Mayall
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Hmmm 1 theories:

    1. She really likes you, and doesn't want to charge you at all for anything, but she has to, because she's there to make money so she he to get a little something out of her time spent with you.

    2. She's setting you up and is probably going to steal your kidneys when you're in the hotel room. Seriously.
  • Ch3ll
    9 years ago
    I'm no veteran to OTC experiences, but if what you say is true of how she makes income, seems she has it like that to brush off the money you would pay for sex. And I agree with what SJG says.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Cool. She already sent three messages today. I'll take this one day at a time and see where this will go but hoping for nothing too serious.

    Ch3ll: That is what she told me. She have showed real pictures of her doing hair and makeup of celebs on her Instagram and on her phone so I do believe that there is some truth to what she is saying.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    For one im very pleased that you saught advice from a playa

    Often i find myself back in the champagne rooms saying " I really need y'all to help a brotha out on this one" to a crowd of known willing strippers.

    I also am a award winning chief and multiple dagreez wit the pruff on me phone : )

    Ok ok im dunn being a faggot lol

    In my experiences when a dancer begins to pay for a lot of shit just to keep you in their life she is wanting you as a boyfriend
    That's has been my experience. I've honestly dated 3 strippers and each time they would buy the food, my clothing, trips and so on. I've also had a few close friends that have dated strippers and have reported the same.
    No jokes although most will feel like what im about to say as bull shit...im being serious right now. She is a ho..and a ho nature is to instictly to brake herself to a pimp

    Watch all the pimp info online and you find a pimp will always say " the game choice me" witch means a pimp never truely picks his ho...true pimp code of conduct is to be the best man he is and if a ho likes what he is about she picks him by "braking herself" aka handing over her cash.

    This is y often the boyfriend and pimp line is so grey. A week man will not recognize the calling into the game and will just become the boyfriend/husband with a hot hired gun buying you shit

    A stronger man/ opportunist with fuck this ho of course and its always for free. A pimp will use his dick and words to reward his ho for making and bringing him all the money. A ho craves this because its just her nature you dig.

    Basicly those are your options with this bad piece of real estate you speak about.

  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Def not the norm – but if she's a successful independent business-woman then perhaps she's just a bit of a freak and down for unrestricted fun.

    Some thoughts on why she may be legit:

    + she's not a full-time stripper and seems to be financially successful; thus she does not seem to have to employ SS to get $$$ from you

    + she may be well enough financially to where she does have to sweat paying for stuff – and she may be a very independent woman and a go-getter and used to dealing in business where spending $$$ on business lunches, dinners, etc; is something she's use-to (i.e. thus her not-minding buying drinks or VIP)

    Some thoughts on why she may *not* be legit:

    + she's a woman so you never know :)

    I'd say based on her professional/business credentials; and her age; she appears to not have some sorta of angle other than just wanting to have a good time the way she likes to have a good time.

    One can't eliminate all risk – I'd say go for-it and have a good-time but just be careful not to get in too deep if you don't see her as anything more than just a friendly hookup.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... she may be well enough financially to where she does have to sweat paying for stuff ...”

    she may be well-off enough financially to where she DOESN'T have to sweat paying for stuff

  • Lone_Wolf
    9 years ago
    She really likes you. Just roll with it. Nice.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    She's probably fishing for a serious boyfriend. She either needs to hide her past as a dancer or find a monger who is okay with it.
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    It looks like you're in the driver seat. Do ya thang bruh.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    She's 40 she ain't getting any younger and it sounds like she's falling in LUST with you. Her eggs are drying up with age my friend. I'd use it in your favor and step it up to straight dates and no sex for a month. If she's still paying her share, I think you have a potential girlfriend on your hands. If you want her, then take her because you won't find a stripper like that again.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    I just read the background information....take her...take her and run. Don't look back. You have a girl that wants you as a real boyfriend. Straight up ask her, stop beating around the bush and ask her. And if she does have real interests in you great. If she actually wants a relationship, say yes because damn you won't find a woman like that again. How old are you btw?
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    @just_the_nuts: lol, you a trip mane. In all seriousness though I know all about the psychology of pimping as my uncles and my cousin were involved in that lifestyle. However, that's not in my character.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Estafador: I'm 28
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Gewings thank you bro much respect back to you

    Since pimpin isn't in you their is only one choice as i see it

    Fuck this bitch for free and get her to buy you all kinds of kool shit.

    I once moved in with a bitch and that stripper bought me all my videogames and chackin fangers i wanted

    She also bought me very nice cologne, clothing, hats, shoes and jewelry

    Its just their nature to make you the man look good
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    ^^^actually that was an option that has crossed my mind. Use some reverse psychology and get her to be my sugar mama.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    And if that isn't in you

    Well don't take the relationship because you need a square bitch that is wired to the normal civilian ways.that would be best for you then

    But at least fuck that fine piece of pussy at least once
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Nice....being honest just be her regular boyfriend and she will pamper the fuck out of you bro

    As you know they are just weird to do so
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I already did. Even made her squirt three times straight from DATY. She said she miss my tongue action and my stroke game

    Got her ass sprung mane lol.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    I'm gonna make her my sugar mama and I will see where this goes

    *evil laughter*
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    yeah, a young hod stud muffin with a good job and she's 40 living the high life, she wants a man full time and probably to settle down. Those eggs of hers won't be there forever. You need to nut inside her and take her away...if you want. Otherwise let her know you only want a friends with benefits relationship. Wish I was lucky like you to find an older woman like that.
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Damn bro, you work fast....church
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    This is a problem?
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    9 years ago
    Nah Jackslash not a problem. I just wanted a little guidance and advice on a "too good to be true" situation.

    Esta: She's not quite 40. She is 36 so only eight years older but with a bangin' body.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    my thoughts. She's horny and you're the best in the bedroom she's met so far. She may like you as well. If you are worried about getting attached to her, I'd be careful. If you don't care and would jump at all the almost free sex you can get, go for it. One slight possibility is she wants to have a baby and she chose you. I'm not sure if some girls really do that on purpose or not. I say almost free because it always costs time or money usually for something. gas , hotel room, time you could have spent with someone else.
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