
Legalized Prostitution

Hollyweed thinks nothing of fucking on camera for money. Somehow that is different that just fucking for money.??? If you make sex legal and crucify underage traffickers and slavers you may just clean up the trade a bit. Their outrage is hypocritical considering their profession and how hollyweed abuses the young people trying to break into the business. The "casting couch" is still around in many forms from fucking directors in their offices to being the latest party favor at Hollywood's " private parties" for the hollyweed elite. Why do you think so many hollywood actors who have "made it" leave Hollywood to live elsewhere, it is so they can have an excuse to get out of the sexual favors for parts trap and to keep their kids out of it.


Bust the traffickers (abusive pimps and slavers) and leave the girls alone, put the money and effort into alternate career training for those who want out. People who force children into slavery should be crucified in the town square with weights tied to their genitals. (note that crucifixion in the ancient times meant the offender was tied to a cross and left on display to die of slow suffocation and exposure!)

What do y'all think?
Legalize (libertarian) or (the liberal way) thought police and arrest everyone except the money/power brokers behind the entire thing. (the George Sorose's, Roman Polanskis and other creepy power brokers making millions upon billions because being illegal drives up the price and children are cheap to kidnap and ship to the market.


  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Hollywood doesn't do real sex on camera. It was talked about for Last Tango in Paris. But it was not done.

    It was done in Sweet Sweetback's Badass Song, and one or two other movies, real sex.

    As far as porn movies, that is a Hollywood related, but still outside, realm.

    Some Christian moral crusaders have tried to present that it is money for sex and could be charged as prostitution. But I think most would agree that since it is not primarily for the sexual gratification of either performer, that this legal interpretation does not apply.

    Remember though that back in Shakespeare's time, they thought any use of actual women in the theater, showing their emotions and all, was something like prostitution.

    In the Czech Republic they have this place where you can go and be presented with a selection of girls. Pick one and then you can have sex with her for free, while being filmed by remote control cameras throughout the room.

    She will be paid, as will the owners, by selling the video. But you will not be paid.

    Some guys do this regularly, doing all the women, and then starting over. Sounds like fun to me.

  • deogol
    9 years ago
    I agree with you on the Hollywood part tricks - but it is in mostly low and mid-tier production "companies."

    If the star has box office draw - it is all business. The investors will make sure of that.

    But among SOME independents (seems prevalent among those with no money backing them, the so called "I'll make you a star" crowd - watch the fuck out). There is a lot of bullshit happening.

    With the audience going to youtube mostly, many film students and amateurs are creating their own production companies. Groups of friends. It is pretty easy to get something together for youtube - just get subscribers (harder than it may appear) and let em put ads on there for ya. Prove yourself on youtube, TV will give ya a chance.

    I'm saying, Hollywood is becoming less and less important. Shit, they don't even shoot there anymore - all pre and post-production.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    deogol - How right you are. "Ant man" starring Michael Douglas was filmed at Pinewood Studios in Georgia, a 10 minute drive from my house. There is another studio where "dead man walking" & "drop dead divas are filmed in Senoia Georgia a 20 minute drive from where I live.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    The point is that they are hypocrites.
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