Strippers who are REPULSED by customers ASKING THEM OUT

avatar for RomanticLover
I was reading on another board about strippers COMPLAINGING about customers who want to see them OUTSIDE THE CLUB and think that they are FRIENDS. The strippers apparently only wanted MONEY from these customers.


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avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi RomanticLover,

When you're dealing with a large number of people some might even be TURNED ON by amputations. So it wouldn't surprise me if there was a dancer somewhere who just drools when the customer spits out a command $5 dance now! She be thinking this is a real man I only wish he'd said $2 dance snap to it!

It is funny I was writing a true story last night that was somewhat similar to the above scenario. To make a very long story very short this cold brute has a stripper provide full service outside the club for FREE and the shocking part is that they are both HAPPY and she's willing to PAY HIM if necessary!
avatar for RomanticLover
20 years ago
Do some stripper get TURNED ON by customers ASKING for dances for FIVE DOLLARS?
avatar for TopGunGlen
20 years ago
Gee, RL, have you ever had a dancer repulsed when you asked her out? Perhaps it was the five dollar dance you requested first, prior to asking the lady for a date...:-)
avatar for SuperDude
20 years ago
Kyle--all relationships between men and women are about money, especially marriage.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Hi Superdude,

My ATF wanted to have a more normal relationship. Go to dinner and movies and the beach and etc. She was upset that I wouldn't agree to that unless she accepted $$$. She even offered to reverse roles and pay me $$$, which I refused only because she works hard for her money and she deserves to spend it on herself. A woman spending money for or on a man isn't acceptable to me unless she's extremely wealthy.

Anyway, that was the end of the good times. :( She was such a sweet person, but for some stupid reason she got it into her head that my spending money on her was wrong. I think it was probably her damn friends who didn't like her being with me because of the culture/color conflict . . .
avatar for SuperDude
20 years ago
Has anyone ever heard of a dancer being offended because a customer didn't ask her out?
avatar for grrldancer
20 years ago
Why do we want money? It's simple-because dancing is OUR JOB. Would you be willing to work for free? That being said, there are customers who make working fun, by being civil, intelligent, and polite.
avatar for SuperDude
20 years ago
Dancers don't want to date cusomers. They have made that clear.
avatar for Kyle1111
21 years ago
Hi RomanticLover,

I don't know if you're a dog lover or pet owner, but the reltionship goes something like this: Human gives dog, food and dog shows him various forms of appreciation. Humans are animals and human relationships mirror to some extent the relationship between human and dog. Human does something nice i.e. spend $$$ and the other human shows appreciation.

There is also a concept known as time and place. My doctor is a great guy and I really like and appreciate him. HOWEVER, I don't want to hang out with him at the local bar or in my home or wherever! I feel the same about co-workers when I was working. Time and place.

Surprise, surprise some strippers feel the need to keep their work and private lives separate! Golly darn heck I ain't a stripper and I feel the same way--perhaps that means I should be a stripper?
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