
Best Dick Moves

Since it's April Fools Day, I thought I'd ask if any of you have ever made a dick move to get back at a club or dancer who ripped you off or just pissed you off? I think you should always try to be a gentleman and pay for what you get at a club, but when they don't play fair, sometimes the gloves need to come off.

The best I could come up with was pretty tame--an encounter with a dancer who screwed me over in a VIP session. I opted for a three-dance special that was a total ripoff. She kept most of her clothes on for the first dance, did basically nothing for the second and put her clothes back on to leave before the third dancer was over. Then she asked for a tip because "all her regulars paid extra." Because it was a special, the bouncer was waiting right outside the VIP to collect the house's money. He didn't want to hear my complaints. Normally, that's a one and done deal. But I ran into the same dancer several weeks later when she was absolutely plastered. On a whim, I took her back to VIP where she performed several drunken, sloppy nude dances. When they ended, she was too drunk to ask for my money, and I made a point of directing her to the bouncer's station where she paid the house's fee out of her own cash. She probably never even realized what happened, but I got a little payback.

Anybody else ever got revenge?


  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I haven't used it yet but I am keeping this one in reserve. Since I have retrograde ejaculations I can bet a stripper that she cannot make me cum. How's that for dirty pool. :)
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    10 years ago
    Love it! I've had dancers bet me that if they don't make me cum, I can keep my money.
  • san_jose_guy
    10 years ago
    I don't think this is cool at all.

    Once a dancer whom I knew was really holding back on stage and so I stopped tipping her and just folded my arms. She changed her approach. But that is as far as I would go.

    The other sorts of problems you describe you not likely happen to me because I have established more rapport with them before I would go into a booth or VIP room.

    Where I am SC's are rare and so I treat them nicely.

  • johnsmojo
    10 years ago
    when I was ripped off, I told anyone who would listen, to avoid the club and if they liked the club, to avoid the rob at all costs. To a point, it worked pretty well.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    10 years ago
    @johnsmojo, these days, that's one of the best ways to take care of the situation. With sites like TUSCL and social media, word gets around pretty quickly. The loss of income when word gets out is probably the best revenge. I've heard of guys taking their smartphones into clubs and letting the offending parties know that they were busted. I was just wondering if anybody had done anything more "dickish."
  • Corvus
    10 years ago
    @Carlos, I think you truly got "a little payback" and nothing more as you laid it out above. You could have really gone over board but apparently did not. Props to you, and normally I may say "Brilliant" but will refrain.

    I've yet to have the need to make a "dick move" but would not hesitate if I felt it warranted. Hopefully, I never will. But love Shadow Cat's potential. Just don't ever want to be able to have that option (retrograde ejaculations).
    The one ROB I've run into I made sure as many people as possible knew about her deliberate trouble counting.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    If they piss you off, just ask where they'll be at 2 AM.
  • Bigbiznezz
    10 years ago
    Lol, I've hpnever done anything as you suggested. But I've been played more than once. The stories here are funny hopefully one day when service is bad. I can pull a dick move
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    10 years ago
    @Corvus, thanks! You're right, I could have been a bigger dick, but I was satisfied with getting three replacement dances that probably were heads and tails above her usual performance and which she had to pay for.

    I was hoping to get more stories TUSCL members, but I'll share another one involving a crew of guys I used to work with (not me). They handled trade shows for our company, so they were on the road for many weeks out of the year. They were a pretty wild crew that spent a lot of time away from the wives and home, so they were always in the clubs. One year, a club was opening near a convention center where they were setting up, and it was offering all sorts of drinking, food and entertainment grand opening specials. They partied hard the first night, but when the bill came they ended up being charged full price for everything. When they bitched to the manager, he claimed the point-of-sale system wasn't programmed right, but promised to make it up to them "someday" when they returned. These guys called bullshit on his claim. They figured he knew they were from out of town and because they were paying with a company card, the manager probably thought they wouldn't bitch (it wasn't their money). Bad call. They didn't like being ripped off. On the way out, one of these guys slipped behind the bar and managed to grab a stack of cards for free entry, free food, free drinks, etc. that were being given out as part of a promotion. They returned the next two nights for "complimentary" meals and beverages. The only money they spent were tips for the wait staff and the stage performers. They felt justified.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    You mean like one of my favorites was so desparate that she picked my pocket and I successfully got back? I was ticked off after I realized I had some tipping money in my pocket. I felt her hand in my pocket after a lap dance but did not put two and two together for about 3 seconds and she quickly left to sit at the bar. I looked at her and she looked back like a big What? then I said something to a couple of other employees figuring it's best I leave rather than start a fight.
    Anyway I sent an email to the club management informing them of the crime committed by a dancer. I Expected nothing but returned back the following weekend not knowing if I was going to get kicked out or what. The club management investigated and suspended a few dancers and the bouncer on duty for two weeks. I talked to the manager and confirmed the dancer. I'm sure she was fired. Apparently she had been stealing money from customers for 2 years and the club was losing customers pretty bad. He even gave me what I thought she stole. About $40 in ones. She was probably upset that wad of money was all ones that night.
    I visited a numberofclubs in the area. at the next club she worked at I informed a bouncer of her previous work theft. He seemed interested. At the next club she worked at I felt a bit sorry for her, it had been a year or two and didn't bother to tell the club management anything. She never realized the whole time I caught her and got her fired. or was the reason management investigated and fired her after they found red flags. I even got a table dance from her after the third club. It took a year or two of her approaching me with a smile asking for dances and I always said no without saying anything else. I figured she would be pissed. I could have called the police on her but Instead I just caused her trouble.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    All the other guys she stole money from were likely just pissed off and never came back to the club not knowing for sure who stole their money. Some complained but the club never put two and two together. I believe the manager told me one night she had an extra 800 in cash she couldn't account for because she didn't do that many dances and a bouncer stood by and watched everything. The club got shut down by the city for zone violations. Made me wonder if she ticked off the wrong people.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    10 years ago
    Great story, Sharkhunter! You performed a public service.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    It was the best nude club in Greenville too. big dissapointment it never got replaced with another nude club. Platinum Plus did pop up a few years later but it is topless. I guess the bouncer on duty stepped away for a few minutes then she went into her pick pocket routine. The manager told me she probably worked guys wallets loose and into the sofa cushions during the lap dance with them paying first. Then as soon as the room was empty, she'd take the cash out of the wallet. Guys would notice they lost their wallet after a few minutes if they didn't check right away.
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I can’t recall having done a dick move on a stripper b/c probably like most on here; it’s not my style (plus SCs are kinda fairly regimented so it’s hard to get away w/ too much as a custy).

    The only thing I can remotely recall is talking to management about a ROB that had ROBed me – I was not expecting anything to come out of it but I just wanted to let it be known to management in case it would help out the next guy she ROBed.

    Anyway – to my surprise the ROB already had a reputation at the club and was just back from a 3 month suspension – the manager made the ROB give me back my $$$ and a few minutes later I saw her leaving the club in her street clothes.

    I guess she got dicked (in a bad way) but that was not the intention I went in with – I just wanted to go on record w/ management about that particular dancer.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    10 years ago
    I don't encounter ROBs often but when I do I simply stop getting dances from her. If she asks again I'll always say no. What I like to do is to taunt that particular ROB on stage by holding a stack of ones and pretending to tip her while she's doing her set and just as she reaches out for the money I pull back and put it back in my pocket. To really add fuel to the fire I will sometimes try to intentionally sit near that ROB and invite over another dancer that I like and buy a certain amount of dances.

    They gotta learn not to fuck over customers.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    10 years ago
    Gewings, those are some true dick moves!
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    10 years ago
    Thanks...I only do it when necessary :)
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    10 years ago
    I'll even take it a step further...now if the ROB have another dancer on the same stage with her I'll do the taunting method as described above and instead give the other dancer some of that money.
  • carlos_spiceyweiner
    10 years ago
    I'm cool with it. Some of the guys here won't make these moves cause it's just not their thing. That's cool as well. But I think that too often we blow crap like this off and just accept it as one of the downsides of clubbing. It's good to take a stand in one way or another.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    10 years ago
    I agree Carlos. Some dancers are honest and sometimes does make mistakes when it comes to song counts and such. We're all human and nobody is perfect. But a majority of these dancers are hustlers and will attempt to do whatever is necessary to make the most money while doing the least amount of work.

    I work very hard for my money and they need to work hard for theirs. I have no problem being rude and mean to a ripoff bitch. I'm a cool person until you fuck me over with my money. Afterwards I'll be the biggest asshole to that person. Gotta have a backbone and take a stand and put those ripoff bitches in their place. They will regret it sooner or later.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    gewings - caution at Follies. If there are 2 dancers on stage they split whatever tips there are.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    I was at PP Cola and a ROB tried to scalp me for an extra $60,when I told her to" go fuck herself",she ran into the manager's office.While she was in the office the bouncer said to me"this would be a good time for you to leave".P.S. my cat doesn't hang out with trailer trash and flea market merchants.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    When one embarks upon a journey of revenge, he must first dig two graves. Revenge is a loser's play.
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