
Shoul I scarifice myself four piece?

Thursday, February 12, 2015 12:56 PM
My spreeding the wards of the LORD mane appeereth too have caws arguments with the Shadowcat hatin his prophet and my loyil sevent Mikha'el discoverin the Zipmanes deceet. I haf upsett al of my flack. Doest thou wisheth thy prophet too leeve?


  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Before you leave, you should build an Ark. And in this Ark, you should place 1000's of every pork and chicken product known to man. Or hold the first Festival of the Sausages. Heaps upon heaps of sausages and hamhocks.
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    ^^^ and Baloney. Lots and lots of Baloney on that Ark too. Lol.
  • originaljuicebox69
    9 years ago
    TheProphetJuice is a false prophet!
  • originaljuicebox69
    9 years ago
    TheProphetJuice is a false prophet!
  • originaljuicebox69
    9 years ago
    TheProphetJuice is a false prophet!
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    I already shit in my pants... can I shit in your profitdukeyboy?
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