Does anyone get past a ladies' rack?

Does anyone besides me get a rush from a hot set of female abs? Not necessarily from some female bodybuilder on steroids, but visions from a finely toned work of art.
Miesha Tate has probably the best abs that I have seen on a athlete. I agree with Motorhead's post a few days ago about women sports. I do like tone...but I also curves that aren't flab. Shit, I am just warped and like it all!
Take a look at pic #3 of Tate.
Gina Carano & Mia St John are a couple of knockouts that I would gladly take a hit from.
I had a friend that was crude, rude, and socially unacceptable (a lot like me). Back in the 1980s and after several drinks at lunch, he asked an attractive waitress what she would do if he patted her on the ass. She looks back at him and says "I'd would probably knock you clear over to that wall". He pauses for a moment, studies, and then says "It might be worth it". It just might be worth it to take a hit from any of the above ladies.
last commentWhile I am on the subject:
Basketball: Brittany Jackson
Lauren Jackson
Skylar Diggins
Track & Field: Lolo Jones
Leryn Franco
Allyson Stokke
Soccer: Too damn many to count!
Alex Morgan
Brandi Chastain
Auto Racing: Danica ain’t bad either. I don’t care what Richard Petty says.
For the record: I do like blondes! I am just having a brunette day.
Dalene Kurtis (Playboy – It is a sport right?)
It's the WOMAN behind the breasts & Abs that counts. Otherwise you have a mannequin.
I bet Google was busy with a lot of the names.
BTW, I do not believe Petty questioned Patrick's appearance. And I would agree with his assessment. She was hired as a marketing tool and not for her driving skills.
Sure Alucard. I bet you're really into the intellect and inner beauty of the women you pay to blow you.
Is Danica a racecar diver? I got my info concerning her specialty skills from of the annual February issue of Sports Illustrated that for some reason is always kept longer than the other periodicals.
Can't get Playboy without getting a beating from the Mrs at home. Therefore it's the internet for this old boy. The internet...that thing that Al Gore is supposed to have invented. Is this a great country or what?
you forgot to include a blowup doll.
I am glad someone else goes to clubs for intellectual reasons.
Abs? Check out the blonde in the pink bikini at the very bottom of my profile pictues! Definitely worth a look.
Yes by staring at her ass
Allison Stokke-yessiree!
I love a fit girl over a just plain skinny girl. I appreciate the fact that they worked for their bodies.
The problem is, women like that don't go for guys with beer guts like me!
I dig fit. That said, Tate is a bit too cut and muscular in that pic #3 you pointed out, but Mia St John's midsection is my ideal of sexy in her pic