TOLEDO -- Toledo citizens who live on Airport Highway are upset by rumors that a former restaurant is in the process of being renovated in order to re-open as a strip club. The property in question is located at the intersection of Airport and South. Molly Tomaszewski is a member of the Burroughs Neighborhood Association. "8 or 9 days ago I received an e-mail from a friend who had heard from the gas man that the property was being made into a strip club, or an adult entertainment facility and so we contacted city council members," Mrs. Tomaszewski said. Carole Loth lives right next to the property that is the center of the controversy. "I am not happy with it because we have had them before and there has been fightings and shootings," Mrs. Loth said.
A man who said he was an associate of the property owner arrived while WNWO was talking to the residents. The man did not disclose his name but wanted to reassure residents that his associate never intended to open a strip club. "These are false accusations, there is not going to be a strip club," the associate said.
On Wednesday evening Toledo city councilman Mike Craig and officials from the city of Toledo's Department of Inspections met with residents in a public meeting. The residents came away with the confidence that a strip club would not be allowed to open at the location in question. "They are giving us every assurance that no way is it going to be a strip club but that's not to say it couldn't be an after hours club," Mrs. Tomaszewski said.…
last commentNOT sure there is enough business to support another club with Detroit SO close, especially with Xtras so readily available north of the border. Toledo clubs aren't exactly packing guys in.
Watch the video news story. There are a couple of great moments:
a.) At 0:23 - Even though I worked in zoning for many years, I didn't know that the term, "sexually oriented business" is known by its initials: S.O.B. The neighbors probably had great fun with that term at the public meetings.
b.) At 1:30 - the "associate" of the property owner says, "One of the reasons why this lounge is being created so people who are concerned and don't want to be shot . . ." (As if there is a segment of the population that *does* want to be shot at.)