Their hot 100 is based on more than just looks. She was made 1 based on a lot of categories, mainly ability to sell the magazine. People hear Miley Cyrus is #1 on Maxims Hot 100, and then they all remember her Disney days. This sparks the perv reflex in many and they go out and buy the magazine to see her and who else is in it. Same with when they named Lindsay Lohan number 1 a few years back. It sells well.
OK . . . consider this, in the top 20 are Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale and Vanessa Hudgins. What do these four have in common? All were stars in Disney Channel shows or movies . . . maybe Maxim has a thing for jailbait?
The best list I have seen is on Webzine. Moto of the 4 you mention I think Kate U is the best but is jailbait. ScarJo is quickly losing her looks Megan Fox is ok until she opens her mouth, she is truly a headcase and I have never like Olivia Wilde. (my opinion) I think to make the list they must look good with out the professional makeup job, like Kate Beckisale, Amber Heard, Adriana Lima, Miranda Kerr or Jessica Alba to name a few.
last commentNOT in the least IMHO. Plenty of better looking women that I've seen.…
I'd back-scuttle them all !
Megan Fox? Scarlett Johansenn? Attractive but not as good as my ATF.
I like Kate Upton and Olivia Wilde, but I'll take many dancers over these women.
I mean the others on the list besides Kate and Olivia.
If I found a stripper with the face and curves of Kate Upton, I would be in heave....or broke