INDIANAPOLIS - An Indianapolis man's four-month relationship with an exotic dancer has unfolded into a police investigation of blackmail.
The 51-year-old south side resident reported to Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officers that he has been giving money to the 28-year-old woman since meeting her at a west side strip club, but she threatened to claim that he raped her if he did not cough up some more cash.
The man handed over a series of text messages to police on Wednesday, and police wrote in their report that the text messages bolster the man's story about an ongoing sexual relationship turning into a case of blackmail.
"Would you wire cash no joke need 200$," said one of the texts, included in the official police report on the case.
"Now you're trying to blackmail me????," the man replied.
Police wrote in their report that the man had been involved in a sexual relationship with the woman for the past four months, and he willingly gave her money for various things in the past.
Earlier in the week, he told police he gave her $200 that she claimed was needed to book a flight to visit her mother in Kansas.
At first, she claimed she needed another $200 the very next day to help with the mother's other children, but then, police were told, the story changed.
Text messages included in the police report reflect that the woman later claimed she needed the money for a "morning after" pill as the result of their previous sexual encounter.
In response to the man's text about blackmailing him, police wrote that the woman replied, "No it's the truth I need that ASAP…im not trying to do all that if. You just get the meds."
Police said the next text continued pushing her threat to have him prosecuted for rape. "Really u will go to jail for that and have a rape on file 4 life," read the text.
Police wrote that the man was worried about what the woman would be capable of if he did not pay her the additional money.
The man told officers the woman had recently changed jobs from the club where the two met. He said she was now performing as a stripper at a different Indianapolis club.
Officers wrote that the woman had filed a previous report, alleging that someone else raped her in October 2012.
Several of the texts in this week's case included the woman mentioning that the man's DNA was still present on her body from their latest sexual encounter.
Officers copied one text that seemed to document their ongoing consensual sex.
"I would like to get some whoopee before I leave. Really hope you will do that for me," officers said that she wrote after receiving the first $200 for the supposed flight to Kansas.
The man told officers he used a condom when the two last had sex at his home earlier this week.
In an online LinkedIn profile, the victim listed his occupation as working for the government in the aviation field.
As the woman continued to pressure him for more money, officers wrote in their report that she mentioned that she could help him to get a stolen knife back. The man said that the woman had rifled through his belongings at his office, and had also taken his father's knife from his home when she was left there alone.
"I know where ur fathers knife is," she wrote in one text.
Finally, police said she threatened that she would be heading to the hospital to get the "morning after" pill that she had mentioned previously.
"They would do a rape kit on me," she texted, according to the police report. "Im going to get rap kit they will find you at home at your work," she wrote.
No charges were immediately filed as police started their investigation into the extortion effort on Thursday.
In his final reply to the woman's threats, the police report reflects that he answered, "Do what you think is right."
Police have the woman's name and a few other pieces of identifying information, but police were told her present living arrangements include her bouncing between several Indianapolis-area hotels. Police wrote that she has her own car and she has three children, but she does not have custody of any of the kids.
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last commentWould never pull this shit.
I kind of can't believe that he went to the police, that's going to look terrible to his employers/friends/family/anyone. He should have just been like "ew, bitch.", screencapped the parts of the conversation pertaining to consent and left it at that.