Two ATFs at the Same Club

avatar for stenton1
Lately, I've been rotating through clubs, but at one club in particular, I found 2 dancers who I click with very well. One of whom I have already done OTC with twice. She is just as much fun on the outside as she is inside.
My other ATF has also tried to arrange OTC with me, but she either cancels at the 11th hour, or she'll call me at 1:00 am asking me to get together. It's too late by then!
I decided to be truthful with both of them, and naturally they don't like it, but they keep coming, I guess it's been slow at the club. I didn't intend for this to happen, but Im having a damn good time!
Any if you have a similar situation? How did it turn out?


avatar for Jackmd
Up and In
12 years ago
1) I did have a similar situtition but one worked the day shift and the other worked the night shift. Did they know about each other. I don't know.
2) If you have the energy and money I say go for it.
3) You could save some money by bargaining them against each other. I love the free enterprise system.
If you have two ATFs at the same club, you don't understand the meaning of the phrase "All Time Favorite".

As for the substantive question of two sex providers in the same club, yeah, I've had that happen. If they have a problem with it, I get to whip out my favorite response, to whit, "If my *wife* can handle me fucking other women, the. So can you." If they can't deal with it, no problem. I have no intention of forcing anyone to have sex with me.
Tell them that one has to move to a different club, or else the meaning of ATF will change.
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
This will come to an abrupt end when one of your "ATF's" decides she has had enough of this shit.
“… This will come to an abrupt end when one of your "ATF's" decides she has had enough of this shit …”

Am I missing something; perhaps?

I am under the “impression” these ATFs/faves are doing OTC for the $$$. If you are the one paying, then it is up to you to decide how and with whom you are willing to spend your cash with.

Their “feelings” for you go as far as your cash will go. They will dump you in a TUSCL minute as soon as you can’t/won’t pay anymore. So why should you be “faithful” to them?

They don’t want *you* - they want your *money* - why should you commit to one based on this premise?
avatar for stenton1
12 years ago
All of you make good points. I always use the term ATF loosely, because they will ultimately exit your life by my or her choice. They can be the best long or short term fake cash based relationships you can have.
Since I wrote this discussion this morning, the second ATF texted me saying that she doesn't want to share me. This is absurd, so I told her to leave me alone, which means no cash if she sees me.
It's all a game, and I could care less. How many times has a supposed ATF left you, only to call or text you again with a day, a week, or a month? Cash is king, so I never take it seriously. It was awkward because they are both at the same club, but the situation always works itself out, one way or the other. Never give a stripper too much power. Last I checked, none of them are paying my bills...
avatar for mrrock
12 years ago
I think it's great you have two girls that you can enjoy ITC as well as OTC! Ride the roller coaster as long as it lasts bro!
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
I agree - if the one chick can't deal, move on. I had an OTC session set up for yesterday and it fell through because she didn't call as she said she would. I'm not even sweating it. I'm not gonna go begging to get together with her. I a'int the one to be playing games with. You won't get my money that way.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
why the fuck would they care. They both getting their fair share of dough. And they ain't dating you. If their that concerned tell them to either be your girl or GTFO (of course they can't be your girl thus they must deal with you having two or just getting the fuck out)
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