We don't pay our LE officers enough.

Atlanta suburb
I was talking to a favorite dancer the other day. She had just started stripping again after a 2 year absence. Her husband is now a deputy sheriff. I sure hope that the sheriff's department does not raid the club where she works. :)


  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    With luck, he'll be getting an "extras" dance from her when it is raided. :)
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Great idea hook up strippers and cops
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I think that if I were a dancer at a club at which, as you imply, illegal activities are common, I'd be leery of doing such (or even working there at all, even if not doing extras) with a sheriff's wife working there. Sounds like a recipe for disaster for the the girls who are competing with her. All she has to do is convince her husband that somebody is doing something illegal, and bang, no more competition.

    It's not like that shit doesn't happen with dancers who are *not* wives of sheriffs.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Wait until vice busts this cop's wife in the club. He will have a lot of explaining to do.

    Or even worse, his fellow cop buddies find out that his wife is a stripper and every one of them tips his wife at the rail or if she is beautiful enough, get dances or even extras.

    Your sorry sob friends all want to see what you are banging at home, and some of your friends want sex with your wife too. This is too much stress to handle.

    No, being married to a dancer seldom works out.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I guess he knows she is stripping or does he? I would be worried about the bad press you might get if it became public knowledge your wife was stripping. It could become bad for his job if someone puts a bad spin on it as if he is supporting the industry by having his wife work as a stripper. Maybe he doesn't care. Other police seem to be getting arrested for dui or other charges and that really messes up their career. It seems like some in the police department believe all law enforcement should be without a blemish in their ethics or morals but I would prefer ordinary people working as law officers not Gomer Pyle types that never do anything that someone might consider improper.

    If I was a dancer working at the club, I would be concerned about what she knows. She could be part of a sting operation and saying she is a wife could be a cover story. I'm into conspiracy stories.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I believe middle class wages aren't keeping up with inflation when you factor in gas and food prices.

    I suppose some government technicians argue food and energy aren't a significant part of the middle class budget. Here in the US it is counted very much in official inflation numbers. In China and elsewhere, it is a significant part of official inflation.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I meant to say here in the US, food and energy are not a significant part of official inflation numbers. That helps the US government when it comes to making payments for social security inflation increases. Leave it to the politicians to figure out a new way to rob the American public and pay more taxes with less and less that they have to pay back.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    shark - I am pretty sure that he knows. They have been married for about 12 years and she has been stripping that long too. She did ask me not to mention her name in my review to protect his standing with the department. What I don't know is if he is aware that she had been escorting during the two years she was away from the club.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    I know one dancer who is/was involved with a cop... so personally, I'm not really surprised, but definitely a dumb idea. Even in a non-extras friendly location, don't you think other cops will eventually see her working?
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    "being married to a dancer seldom works out"

    @pablo: Yup.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Um, shadowcat, even without her name, you've given enough information in this thread alone, notwithstanding what you might have put in a club review, to out her if someone she knows happens to read it...
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