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Thursday, June 23, 2011 1:32 PM
double standard? you be the judge. thoughts? [view link]


  • TABB
    13 years ago
    That motherfucker is crazy, hes pretty much famous n phoenix for doing that and he does it every week. IMO I really dont care not unless if he showing his junk.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Double standard? NO! What you have here is an isolated incident of an air line capt using bad judgement. He does have the right to refuse to accept any passenger that he deems to be a threat to the safety of his flight. The weirdo is also an isolated case. In any case it seems less likely that the cross dresser would be carrying a concealed weapon and the baggy pants dude more likly to resemble a thug.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Which airline was it that wouldn't let an allegedly scantily clad *woman* on last year? How many *white* guys with saggy pants fly without being harassed?
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    The trend of wearing your pants below your ass started in the state correctional systems. It was a way of telling other prisoners that you were already taken, aka you were already another inmate's prison bitch. It is funny how these young urban males think they are tough shit but dress like bottom bitches.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    No double standard. People in charge of a venue's security have the authority to identify certain types of clothing, head gear, signs/symbols, etc., as being predictive of potential trouble (either directly or by incitation). Hence, SC owners can ban gang colors, super-baggy pants, hats worn backwards, hoodies, etc., and so can airline officials. A cross-dresser, if keeping within decency standards, does not pose a similar risk and so enjoys more latitude.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    A cross-dresser, if keeping within decency standards ^^ rod, are you serious? did you see the photos in that video? that freak meets decency standards?
  • troop
    13 years ago
    btw, i'm not sticking up for the black football player. i don't agree with his style of dress or the attitude he supposedly displayed when he was confronted during his incident but the above comments about concealed weapons/potential trouble don't fit imo. he was stopped during/after boarding the plane. he had already gone through security scans etc.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I recently went to a strip club wearing sandals. I figured if they wanted to turn me away that would be their loss not mine. They let me in fine though without any remarks but I did see a bouncer look at my feet but did not say anything.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I once saw a guy at The Living Room in Dayton dressed as a flamer on a Friday night. One of the dancers told me it was his alternative personality that he likes to dress up as when he goes out.
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Troop - Yeah, I saw the guy. He's a weirdo, for sure, and I could see the airlines banning him for reasons similar to why a woman was banned recently for a revealing outfit she wore. My only point is that while weird, and possibly indecent in his clothing (or, lack thereof), he doesn't ostensibly pose a security risk. The black football player I don't know about, but I do know my SC has a sign at the door that prohibits hoodies, caps of any kind, and gang colors. I imagine if one wears any or all of these, and cops and attitude if confronted, he'll find himself quickly escorted away from the premises.
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