just out of curiosity I looked up local strip clubs on the columbus health department to see their violations. Dreamgirls and Kahoot's are the only two strip clubs with full menus and both had several violations on nearly every inspection. Dreamgirls was the worst with serving expired food nearly a year after expiration!
Also interesting to read the comments made by the inspectors. But surprisingly, both clubs had green status, which is the highest status available (they have four different colors).
I also searched for Flight Club (7 critical violations) and Bogarts (9 critical violations, lots of pest problems).
last commentBogart's?! Actually the food at "The Christmas in July Party" was catered -- and VERY GOOD! Otherwise, it seems everything else on the munchies menu is deep fried, which could hide a multitude of sins...
Also looked up Penthouse. No critical violations but it is a brand new palace. Only minor violations like using cloth towel instead of paper towel.