
The dance is free if you don't like it....

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, September 18, 2010 6:06 PM
I have had this offered many times. If I like her looks & attitude, I will accept the dance offer. It is still a hit or miss proposition. Either way, I always pay. I just never get another dance from her, if it is lame.


  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Total agreement here, sc., with everything you said in your post. It has not been offered to me very often and then usually in clubs where I have been spending money freely (and observed doing so by other dancers).
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Art, do you need any more reasons to moan about where you live? Read about the offer from MFC in my very first blog. :)
  • brewerfan
    14 years ago
    I never got a free lapdance cuz it was lame. She was naked, wasn't she? It was private, wasn't it? These clubs and their rules in other states crack me up.
  • ArtCollege
    14 years ago
    I've had one I wouldn't have paid for. In a high mileage club, I get total air. I stop after one, then one of my favs comes over and gives me a couple of great, breaking the rules, dances. After that, the first girl comes back to me, apologizes, says she thought I was LE until she checked with some of the veterans who recognized me. Then she asks if I want another dance from her. She should have offered me a freebie to make up for the air; I might well have paid her if it was a good dance. For other lame dances, I just stop at one. The difficulty is that at some clubs, you have to commit to say 3 for 100 to get to the VIP. That doesn't leave room for bad experience. The deal should be: 3 for 100, but if you're disappointed after one, we can stop there.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I first read about this on [view link] A stripper does that but she did mention that she has yet to ever have a guy NOT pay her and she would not let him get away with it even if he tried. I once was told by a dancer at Dreamgirls after our 2fer1 ($40), that if I wanted to do the VIP room ($275/30 min) that she would not charge me for the $40. I declined her offer and just went ahead and paid her the $40 instead of going for the VIP. She was a great dancer and I would gladly do LDs with her on my next visit, but $275 is too much to spend on an ITC session. I could see how free LDs could work at clubs that just charge a flat house fee but at clubs where they take $5-10 out of each dance, the dancer would be losing money. I doubt many would do that unless you have been a repeat customer of hers. Also Centerfold club in Columbus is advertising a special that you get 1 free LD every Wednesday night. No cover charge either. So that is free but anyone who has been to this club before knows it is mostly air dancing. Also Dollhouse has a printable coupon on their website saying "good for either free admission ($10 value) or free lap dance ($30 value)". I used it for free admission and glad I did so because it saved me $10 on cover and I did not see any dancers I wanted a LD from anyways.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    gmd: My moaning is not about where I live. I love living in Alberta and will never move my main residence anywhere else (even though temperatures at Rancho farmerart are sixty degrees lower than Eastern North America right now). I will never stop moaning about the lame strip clubs out here. There is no reason for it. The economy rocks out here. The laws are accommodating. LE is mellow compared to US. If you read any of my reviews of Alberta clubs you will realize that dancers are making serious coin out here for not much "hard" effort. And, yes I just read your first blog. I will continue moaning, you bastard, if you continue torturing me. My flights east for "relief" are making a severe dent in the entertainment account at Banco farmerart! I really enjoy the Toronto and Detroit clubs - just don't like the two cities all that much.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    farmerart, you should start your very own strip club in Alberta lol
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    art, I can certainly sympathize there. I *love* Western NY. Except for the winter... I'll stop *deliberately* torturing you, though I'm sure there will be occasion for you to complain, just the same. :)
  • RocStarsky
    14 years ago
    This is why I slow my roll in the SC right when I go in. I have to get a good feel for the dancers before I buy dances from them. I never had a free dance and will not assume to have a free dance regardless of anything in a SC. If it is offered free or cheap, I will tip.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    yes i've had several freebies over the years, they were just spontaneous things that happened, but i don't recall a stripper ever using a so called "like it or no charge" guarantee as part of her sales pitch.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I had such an offer not more than a week or so ago. The way I saw it, what if I did not like the dance or thought it wasn't that great? Would she let me off the hook if I just said, I wasn't very impressed with her dance and did not want to pay? I thought she would likely pressure me to pay up for it. If she told the bouncer she danced for me but I refused to pay, what would the bouncer say? Therefore I never went for such an offer. I have had some free dances thrown in from regular dancers because the DJ cut the song short or some other reason. That keeps me happy and the dancers don't have to pay any fee per song. Therefore they keep me as a regular and make a lot more money than if I got upset and stopped getting dances from them. I have had dancers lose track of the songs too and they just give me the benefit of the doubt and say something was free on occasion. It works pretty good to keep me happy and I'd rather they do that instead of talk for 30 to 40 minutes about whatever.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I didn't like the dance, one more for free. I still didn't like the dance, another for free. I didn't like the next 45 either.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Or it could be, ok. Dance for me and if I don't like I don't have to pay after she asks. She dances and I don't care for it that much. I say I'd rather not pay. She starts arguing with me. She danced for 3 minutes and is willing to argue for several. I would pay her to get rid of her especially since she can lie to the bouncers. If I was a regular the bouncers may take my side but you never know what mood the bouncer is in.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    You guys that live up north must get LDs just for the warmth. How many dances does it take before the ice breaks off Big Al and the Twins? ;-) I've only had one "free if you don't like it" dance, and it was the *third* time this girl had danced for me. She greatly prefers to LD to slow, sensual music, but the DJ was apparently PMSing that night b/c all he played was ghetto music. And yeah, it wasn't as good as when she dances to "Purple Rain" and practically makes me, er um, arrive. But it was still damn good.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    LeeH, right it is cold up north. I have to go build my igloo now.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    Below freezing four nights in a row at Rancho farmerart.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I like it when a club is a bit cool to the dancers, I've had a dancer who was friendly to me curl up on top of me to warm up via my body warmth. I enjoy a pretty dancer lying on top of me or on my lap warming up in that method. No charge, no mention of lap dances, etc. etc., she's just cold and wanted to warm up and I'm the warmest thing in the place. Of course several dancers get hot and some even sweaty actually dancing for me when they were cold before. I don't really enjoy running into sweaty dancers. It's still too hot outside here.
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