
Handicapped man sues Tampa strip club


A local strip club is being sued for its alleged uninviting nature to people with disabilities.

The federal lawsuit was filed on Thursday by Kendrick Duldulao, who uses a wheelchair and visited the strip club.

Duldulao claims he was denied full and equal access to, and full and equal enjoyment of, the facilities inside the Mons Venus.

The lawsuit is suing the Mons Venus strip club for violating the Americans With Disabilities Act in 24 separate places, including no ramps for wheelchairs, the hostess stand is too high, and the toilets and jukebox are inaccessible.

Owner Joe Redner says the club has portable ramps that they put in and people have to push them up and can take them anywhere.

Redner claims he doesn't have to comply because he opened his club before the 1992 act was passed.

However, Duldulao says the Mons Venus has undergone renovations since the act was passed and should have fixed the inaccessibility issues then.

Redner denies this claim, but says he would like to further accommodate customers -- but can't get certain permits from the city of Tampa due to zoning laws.

The lawsuit hopes to get the club to change its accessibility, pay attorney fees, and any other fees assessed by the court.



  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    What's next ? A lawsuit because a dancer refuses to lapper some guy in a wheelchair ? I'd love to hear her testimony.

    Lawyer: My client says that you said that he's icky

    Stripper: that's right

    Lawyer: And why did you tell my client that ?

    Stripper: Let's see, he drools on himself, he'd spilled lunch all over his shirt. He looked like he'd pissed himself and I'm supposed to grind on him ? I don't think so.
  • voyeur97
    14 years ago
    Does the ADA entitle a blind guy to full touching privileges?
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    I've been to Mons and I don't think it's really handicapped accessible. Not that I think they're in the wrong. That place is usually so crowded I can't imagine someone in a wheelchair being able to get around, even WITH ramps.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    MisterGay has a mental disability. Can he sue the strippers for making him think he should "respect" them and tricking him into thinking they really like him (at least until the money runs out)?
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    If a strip club ever installs a drive through window...I think Mons Venus will be the first to do it.
  • deogol
    14 years ago
    I guess the ole "shut the fuck up or we'll break your legs" routine won't work on that guy.
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    I have seen guys in wheelchairs in SCs over the years and they have been good customers. The girls usually treat them well and it seems like a win for everyone. This is America dammit. A man oughta have a right to get a lap dance, even if he can't feel his lap. The club should quit whining about its right to be stupid and put a fucking ramp in already. Sheesh.

    Good one voyeur97! Boobies in brail!
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    @DoctorDarby---I have too, but Mons is different. I've never been to a strip club that's so crowded. I had a difficult time getting around on foot. No way a wheelchair can function there. Don't know why the asshole didn't just roll his ass across the street to 2001.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    I happened to be doing some continuing education that covered the ADA, and came across this:

    The ADA requires the removal of physical barriers, such as stairs, if it is "readily achievable." However, if removal is not readily achievable, alternative steps must be taken to make goods and services accessible.

    Examples of alternative measures include

    * providing goods and services at the door, sidewalk, or curb;
    * providing home delivery;
    * retrieving merchandise from inaccessible shelves or racks; and
    * relocating activities to accessible locations.

    Extra charges may not be imposed on individuals with disabilities to cover the costs of measures used as alternatives to barrier removal. For example, a restaurant may not charge a wheelchair user extra for home delivery when it is provided as the alternative to barrier removal.

    So maybe "wheelchair guy" can get Mons to send strippers to his house.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Lets hope that some person or group does not force the issue and make clubs allow dancers in wheel chairs. I have a funny audio skit on my hard drive. It is a phone conversation between a club manager and a blind stripper that uses a seeing eye dog. She threatens him with a law suit over the ADA and even sicking her dog on him. In the end, she gets the audition.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    shadowcat, you can also watch it here:


  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    sam, thanks. I was not aware that there was a video also

    For the rest of you. Get your laugh on and watch this. LMAO....
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