Two More Masseuses Report Al Gore Penis Massages
Just when Al Gore's "crazed sex poodle" masseuse assault allegations were waning, the National Enquirer digs up two more masseuses who say Gore propositioned them. Or, more precisely, "pointed at his erect penis and ordered her, 'Take care of THIS.'"
Someone should tell Al "massage therapist" doesn't mean what he thinks it does. The new accusations took place a hotel in Beverly Hills (where Gore stayed to attend the Oscars) and a hotel in Tokyo. The "crazed sex poodle" incident, you will recall, took place in Portland, Oregon. According to his accusers, the former vice president has a habit of whipping off his towel and standing around naked, brandishing his penis like it is a hanging chad, and masseuses are election judges. [National Enquirer, photo via Getty]…
Jul 21, 2010
Someone should tell Al "massage therapist" doesn't mean what he thinks it does. The new accusations took place a hotel in Beverly Hills (where Gore stayed to attend the Oscars) and a hotel in Tokyo. The "crazed sex poodle" incident, you will recall, took place in Portland, Oregon. According to his accusers, the former vice president has a habit of whipping off his towel and standing around naked, brandishing his penis like it is a hanging chad, and masseuses are election judges. [National Enquirer, photo via Getty]…
Jul 21, 2010
it's not his fault.
it's that dang global warming that's made him so hot to trot.
I can understand a kid waiting years to report daddy, but a grown woman ???
Next case please.
Assault & rape?? I don't think so, wing-nut...he got a blow job from some young bimbo that didn't know any better, and then he lied about it, period.
The Gore massage stories appear to all be panning out to be bogus.
Amazing how liberals "brains" work, er, function. There was never an accusation of rape in the Monica lies, but they sort of forgot or perhaps mis-place (like billing records of their "brains") the name of Juanita Broaddrick! Of course, she is some right-wing hack, or whatever their name calling dictionary has as flavor of the month.
Broaddrick filed a sworn affidavit with Paula Jones' lawyers denying that Clinton had ever assaulted her: "During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. ... These allegations are untrue ...."
Broaddrick recanted her earlier sworn statement when interviewed by the FBI about the Jones case, but the FBI found her account inconclusive & the affidavit denying the allegations remains her *only* sworn testimony. Broaddrick did not tell her then-husband of the alleged assault at the time.
No legal action (civil or criminal) was taken against Clinton or Broaddrick based on this false allegation.
See how it works? If the liberal admits something, well that is sort of a fact, but any wrong doing is excusable because they admit it and say "I am sorry". Now, if a conservative says something, even with incredible proof, well that is just, well it just doesn't mean anything since the liberals don't agree.
LOL...that's just it, don't *have* any proof for your views, period.
-- they are shameless liars
-- they hate
-- they cannot tolerate the truth being known
-- they are enemies of the United States
You forgot that any fact they don't like, well those are just ramblings from the far right. I guess you could file that under "they are shameless liars", perhaps.
Oh, and one more, they won't leave the US and go live in a country that is already socialist, and leave the US alone!
"You forgot that any fact they don't like, well those are just ramblings from the far right."
Did I say that Juanita Broaddrick was "from the far right"?? Nope, I just told you the FACTS of what *she really said about this matter*, period. Ramble on old's time for your afternoon nap apparently...
Wasted time. Might as well grab a shovel and go dig a hole in lake.
Government Rule -----------------|-Citizen Rule ------------No Rule
The extreme Right Wing would be total chaos and disaster. The extreme Left Wing is oppressive, authoritarian and tyrannical. The founders of the United States established a structure wherein citizens could rule themselves, in accordance with laws that applied equally to all. That is where Liberty may be found. ("For as long as you can keep it.") They knew the natural tendency was for government to grow, and for Liberty to be thus diminished. We see that happening with every leftist act.
Those of us who are categorized as being "right wing" are indeed significantly to the right of those making such assignations, but they don't see their own position accurately. Those categorized as being "right wing" or "conservative" seek to preserve Liberty and "citizen rule." Simply, "conservatives" are pro-America, and leftists are anti-America. This observation is as obvious and true as noting that 100 is a larger number than 50. But it meets hysterical resistance, for leftists cannot tolerate the truth about themselves to be known.
Excellent! You know, the United States Constitution is an incredible document.
Who said that you were?? Not I.
"I'm located at the spot on the political spectrum where this country was founded" your wildest dreams that is. You are on the far Right-wing of the political spectrum in this country "how" up to it for once in your life. Get a clue!
"some associate the 'right' with huge government and totalitarian power, while that is the opposite of the spectrum as defined."
As per usual, you have NO CLUE what it is that you're trying to talk about. Try reading up on the political spectrum as it relates to world politics:
"here is the political spectrum:
Government Rule -----------------|-Citizen Rule ------------No Rule"
LMAO! Like it's actually linear...LOL!'ve got a LOT to learn "how", but what else is new, eh??
"Simply, 'conservatives' are pro-America, and leftists are anti-America."
And the nonsense continues...again, a simple Google search would educate your sorry ass, but you're apparently beyond that...ugh... your own, wildly-warped mind that Got any "facts" to back up your wild assertions?? I didn't think so...
Once again, as I am sure you know, you might as well grab a shovel and go dig a hole in lake. Our village idiot defines a fact as something he says, "thinks", or agrees with. Nothing more.
That's called a fallacy of false choice. We have a representative democracy here in the USA. "Conservatives" love to all it a Republic, which is the same thing. NO ONE is serious about changing that in the USA, period.
Some of the tenets of the Progressive Movement (which was founded, in part, by a GOPer - Teddy Roosevelt) include:
Democracy - Progressives have argued that the average person should have more control over their govt.. Many progressives made govt. in the USA more responsive to the direct voice of the American people through direct primaries, ballot initiatives & referendums, and recalls. Progressives even championed the direct election of U.S. Senators! Progressives also fought for women's suffrage.
Efficiency in municipal administration - Progressives look for waste in govt., for better ways to provide govt. services, and for more efficient & rational ways to administer govt. operations. Progressives believe in giving authority, when necessary, to professionals & experts in any bureaucracy. Progressives champion centralized decision-making by trained, independent experts in order to reduce corruption (waste & inefficiency). One example of progressive reform was the rise of the city manager system, in which paid, professional administrators run the day-to-day affairs of city governments under guidelines established by elected city councils.
"They fought the Revolutionary War against that."
No, they fought that war over being governed without proper representation & in favor of self-governance. Americans then rejected the oligarchies of aristocratic Europe at the time, championing instead the development of what many called republicanism or a representative govt. that was responsible to the will of the people...but not to the level of so-called "mob rule". The Founders ended up with the fundamental rules of national governance (a strong federated govt.) that are in the Constitution of the United States, which replaced the weaker first attempt at a national govt., the Articles of Confederation.
"Our village idiot defines a fact as something he says, 'thinks', or agrees with. Nothing more."'re projecting again old man...
-- That was a founding principle of this Nation, and I am for it. It is, of course, antithetical to what modern "progressives/liberals/democrats" are doing.
Many of the other things you stated as "progressive" are either innocuous or in line with "conservative" principles. But modern liberals are growing government, thereby getting away from such principles. "Citizens Rule" means government has almost no direct role in the individual's life, but handles large-scale issues like national defense and disaster response; the citizens govern themselves within a common ethical framework upon which the law is applied equally to all.
If the stuff you pasted is accurate, then modern "progressives" are in practice anti-progressive and pro-big-government. your own, heavily-biased opinion that is...
"Many of the other things you stated as 'progressive' are either innocuous or in line with 'conservative' principles."
Who said that they weren't?? Look, I wish that many "conservatives" would live up to their rhetoric, but their track record at the federal level leaves much to be desired.
"But modern liberals are growing government"
Whether govt. is "large", "small", or medium-sized is irrelevant. Whether govt. is truly effective at helping (& not hurting) our society move forward into the future is what's truly relevant.
"'Citizens Rule' means government has almost no direct role in the individual's life"
Nope, that's anarchy. Believe me...I have wacked out anarchist friends that I argue these points with all the time.
"but handles large-scale issues like national defense and disaster response"
LOL...see, you guys don't even really believe in "small" govt....just small govt. for the things that you's pointless & transparent rhetoric at this late date.
"modern 'progressives' are in practice anti-progressive and pro-big-government."
LOL...and yet more sheer nonsense from the likes of you...we've come full circle so'll never get it "how". You'll be relegated to the fringes of the political movements in this country for life...enjoy yourself wing-nut...ugh...
Here's the likely root of the major differences we see in such matters. Practical reality has proven that the idealistic statement above is dangerously naive.
Notice THIS simple FACT. When I mention the "village idiot" only one responds. That shows the futility of wasting your time. Our village idiot is at least coherent enough to know that he IS the village idiot!
I'll bet it has handkerchief tied at the four corners on his head while sitting in the basement. your own opinion that is...I think we're done here.
Sounds like a surrender to me!
That's MY line! But you can use it as long as MG stays around. And I think you know of the MG I speak.