
Man Calls Police Because He's Unhappy With Craigslist Stripper

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June 16, 2010

LADERA RANCH – A man on Staveley Court called police at about 4 a.m. Monday after a woman he found on Craigslist took money from him without "providing proper services and he feels this is improper," according to police logs.

The man had contacted a girl from a Craigslist ad with a picture and a phone number. She was to perform a "sexy dance" for $200, money paid up-front, according to the log.

The girl that arrived was older than the girl in the picture, "causing the informant to reconsider," the log states. When he told the girl to keep $20 for gas and give him back the rest of his money, the girl refused and left with the entire $200.

The man – whose mother was there and was "angry about it as well" – decided not to file a report.

Police said no one was arrested because there is no law against a "sexy dance." Deputies did not make contact with the woman from the ad, and it appears she kept the money, police said.



last comment
avatar for steve229
14 yrs ago

His MOM was there? WTF?

avatar for georgmicrodong
14 yrs ago


avatar for giveitayank
14 yrs ago


avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

Worse, the actual gal wasn't the one he thought he was getting. So why did he hand her the $200 instead of turning her away??? At least he didn't drive the gal 4 miles away from the destination like that Fla. case where the guy was robbed at gunpoint in an alley.

avatar for Jpac73
14 yrs ago

What mom would let her son bring a whore over to her house? Sounds like a wierd family.

avatar for Dougster
14 yrs ago

Sounds like something only MisterGay would be stupid enough to try.

avatar for Dudester
14 yrs ago

It is said that truth is stranger than fiction.

avatar for vincemichaels
14 yrs ago

Yeehaa, sounds like a good person to sell one of my bridges to.

avatar for Clubber
14 yrs ago

On the HBO series about the Bunny Ranch in Nevada, there was a mother that brought her son there to get laid his first time. Strange!

avatar for how
14 yrs ago

That's worse than calling 911 because the local McD's was out of McNuggets! (Which actually happened in Port St Lucie, FL)

avatar for steve229
14 yrs ago

McNuggets, never. McRibs, maybe.

avatar for CTQWERTY
14 yrs ago

McRibs = yuk.

Have you tried the ribs Burger King recently rolled out?

avatar for Dudester
14 yrs ago

Oedipus, schmoedipus, if thine eye offends thee.....

Then there is the opposite-Elektra, and I'm talking about the daughter of Agamemmnon, not the assassin.

avatar for bigdude012
14 yrs ago


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