I know I haven't been on this site a long time, but from what I've seen, I must be some sort of oddity. I can't begin to count the number of horror stories I've read about guys who've run into wacko strippers, or mercenary-ho strippers, etc, etc., etc.. For all of that, my own experience has almost been the complete opposite. A good case in point:<br /> Back around the beginning of 2008, I got downsized. I had a severance package that wasn't bad, if not overly long-term, but try as I might, I couldn't land another job before the money was due to run out. I'd had the foresight to pay off those bills I could, and the rest (utilities, food, etc.) I managed to pare down to where, if I needed to, I could cover them with unemployment benefits. So, as the final pay-out drew near, I decided to spend a final night celebrating (or commiserating) at my favorite club. I'd been there a few times after I'd lost my job, so a couple of the ladies I knew there were familiar with my plight. As i was discussing my employment problems with one of them, she mentioned that a guy she knew, a former classmate in high school of all things, was quitting his job and she told me where he worked at. I went the next business day (I'd spoken to her on a Friday night) and, yes, they had an opening, so I applied. Fair warning: I didn't get the job the stripper's friend had left, but I put that down mainly to his failing to tell her that the company had 'outsourced' the HR department and had a temp agency handling hirings. A couple of months later, they called me to let me know where to go for hiring, so I did eventually get picked up there. The point is that I wouldn't have known there was even a job to apply for there if I hadn't been tipped off to it by a stripper. When I collected my first paycheck, I decided to celebrate (for real, this time!) by paying another visit to the club. I ran into the woman in question and not only thanked her, but told her I felt myself in her debt. Her response: she didn't see it that way, she didn't expect any sort of 'payback', and she was just glad I'd found a job!<br /> It may be that she is the exception to the rule, but I have to wonder how many strippers are just money-grubbing nuts, and how many just put that face on to keep some distance between themselves and the guys they meet. Some of the other women I've spoken to at the same club seem to be, if not quite that nice, at least not nearly as dollar-driven as is often described here. Do we let the bad ones make us paint them all with a single broad brush? Something to think on when you're weighing how to treat that woman setting at the table with you on your next visit to <i>your</i> favorite club, no?<br /> <br type="_moz" />
<p>Just remember that strippers are the female equivalent of a used car salesman. They're trying to sell you something with hidden frame damage, bald tires, and a dead alternator.</p>
dudester,<br /> well, you can find that sort of individual just about anywhere you look. it's sort of a sad commentary on humanity in general, but there are tons of people who will screw you over if you give them half a chance. the only point I was trying to make is that, maybe, it might be a good idea to go in without <i>any</i> sort of preconceived notions and build up an opinion based on what you find out for any individual. to date, I've never been asked for anything special from the stripper who helped me, and she's had more than a few chances to corner me and remind me of the favor she did me.<br type="_moz" />
All due respect sanitago, but when dealing with strippers one should live by the old adage: "Hope for the best, but plan for the worst." I travel constantly and hit clubs all over the country and agree that you find all types, good and bad, but on the whole these girls are just trying to make a living. By definition they are selling an image, fantasy, and some a variety of other things. While all are not the same, you certainly find a higher percentage of con artists, hustlers, etc., in the stripper world than in most real world settings. In my experience, a high percentage of these girls have a lot of problems and you would be well advised to take any interaction with any of these girls with a grain of salt.
rick,<br /> you may be right. for myself, I only hoped to point out that to decide what someone is like because of what they do is rarely a good thing. are some/a lot of them messed up? probably. does that mean they all are? no.<br type="_moz" />
last commentwell, you can find that sort of individual just about anywhere you look. it's sort of a sad commentary on humanity in general, but there are tons of people who will screw you over if you give them half a chance. the only point I was trying to make is that, maybe, it might be a good idea to go in without <i>any</i> sort of preconceived notions and build up an opinion based on what you find out for any individual. to date, I've never been asked for anything special from the stripper who helped me, and she's had more than a few chances to corner me and remind me of the favor she did me.<br type="_moz" />
you may be right. for myself, I only hoped to point out that to decide what someone is like because of what they do is rarely a good thing. are some/a lot of them messed up? probably. does that mean they all are? no.<br type="_moz" />