Rejected Review

The Iceman Cometh

705 Route 35 South Neptune, NJ 07753
Although this is a new review. Keep in mind, I'm taking you back to 2 years ago. Heard a lot of good things about this place and always wanted to experience a strip joint - went with friends. Went around 8ish and did a 6hr shift with the staff - was not our intentions, but we had to. There were barely any girls there for the first 3 hours. We just waited because the host kept telling us more women were coming in. Place didn't become alive until after 11p. Then we had a great time. So go late. Stay away from pervert row and let the crew come to you. Dances were nearly 50 bucks... I recommend just buying a vip experience which will cost you $$$, but seems more worth it considering the minutes @ play. I have not been back since, but note... we did enjoy ourselves in the later half of the night. Do not ask for ice if you BYOB - trust me.


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Not Enough Details 2 year old review has little to no value.
Not Enough Details Not a Review. Post in the community. "Keep in mind, I'm taking you back to 2 years ago." This was a review from 2 years ago? Really?
Not a Review. Post in the community. Two years ago review should have been submitted two years ago. Otherwise this is a story and doesn’t belong in reviews.
Not a Review. Post in the community. Submitted for Wrong Listing Incoherent