Rejected Review

Didn’t expect any positive changes since the last visit

Fox Gentlemen's Club
104 E Main St Bath, PA 18014
Not surprised the bartender named after a flower still works here. Aside from being racist and a bully towards anyone who doesn’t kiss her ass, she has a special relationship with the boss and the one dj if you know what I mean. Most of the bartenders get special treatment from the boss like the daytime one with the rock hard melons for breasts. That’s why they think they run the place. They get comfortable and stuck working there for years, know nothing else and are so miserable and bitter. Only dancers that seem to be sober are the underage girls and frankly that’s not my scene. Most of the girls all huddle in a corner getting drunk and don’t seem to care about working or mingling with customers. This is a good place to get you some blow and someone to bang for the night for a few hundred. You’ll always find a few of them willing to meet out despite the no prostitution signs being posted. Few girls are known to sell drugs in the club. The dj sucks he plays what he wants, not what the dancers want despite being paid by the dancers. He doesn’t shower and has no teeth. Bad impression to represent your establishment. Was told his friends come in and don’t tip the dancers. Can’t expect much from someone who lives above a run down roach infested strip club. Of course his friends are equally as broke bums as he is. Manager too worried about sleeping with his bartenders and allowing them to play house mom despite knowing they act as childish as his own kids at home to actually pay attention to what’s going on in the club. Sell it to someone who cares. You can make way more money if you instilled class in your establishment instead of trash.


Not Enough Details Not a Review. Post in the community. Prices? Also, this reads is a nice overview of the club, but could have been written by anybody who's read a few earlier reviews. What about your visit? Which girls did you actually see, and how are the dances?
Not a Review. Post in the community. This is just someone shit talking the club, likely a dancer. Not a review.
Hank Moody
Incoherent Paragraphs please
Not a Review. Post in the community. This just seems to be a rant. No info on prices of anything or any info on what dances are available.