Rejected Review

Late afternoon, Thursday, May 23rd.

Raider's Reef
6475 E. Golf Links Road Tucson, AZ 85730
It's not very often I visit a sc on a weekday afternoon. Thought of Venom, but decided on the Boat. Even if a lot of the dancers were close to leaving, the late afternoon lineup would still be deeper at the boat. Arrived a bit after 4 PM. Only one stage was being used. Probably not quite a dozen dancers. Mostly Cubans. Mostly average on the looks. It's amazing how much better looking the Cuban dancers are at Curves. Definite 8s & 9s there. The ones at the boat don't move the needle at all. There was an AA with sexy curves. Didn't catch her name, ofc, bc she was in the process of leaving. Same with a sexy blond who exited the cr, & the boat a few minutes later. After around an hour a nice looking brunette, white around 5'5, with a thin body showed up. Name is Honey. Early twenties. From TX. We headed to the cr. Price was very reasonable. Had a real good time.