Rejected Review

Very average

Millstream Inn
5310 Dogwood Rd. Baltimore, MD 21207
Went there for a bachelor party and was severely disappointed. It's fine... the place is fine. But that's about all I can say about it... its totally fine. Nothing special, there wasn't a variety of girls working, only a few. The prices were reasonable, the girls were average but at times inattentive. I was out for a fun time and ready to party and I have to say.... I was disappointed by how much money I still had in my pocket when I left.


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Not Enough Details Cost of entry, drinks, LD's and VIP? Topless or nude?
Your "review" is likely to be seen as too generic to be helpful – especially to someone who has not been to this club before. Details help others decide if it’s worth a visit. When adding a review, where it says “Your review will be read by other community members for approval, so please read our review guidelines,” click where it says *read our review guidelines*. Then rewrite and resubmit with more details, especially about costs. TUSCL readers will be interested in knowing how you spent $100-$300.
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Hank Moody
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