Rejected Review

In A Holding Pattern

19th Hole Lounge
3011 Jenkintown Rd Glenside, PA 19038
I've hit the 19th Hole a few times in recent weeks, most recently on Thursday or Friday evenings...partly because it is convenient and partly because the talent has been pretty good, though dances are very hit-and-miss depending on the dancer. On this Friday night, the parking lot looked fairly crowded and when I went inside, after the cursory pat-down from the security guy and paying the $5 cover, I see that the large rectangular bar around the stage was about 80% occupied. The long stage with poles at either end had two dancers on stage when I entered and that pattern continued throughout my stay; as usual in the back a couple of guys were playing pool at the pool tables. The dancers--all but one of whom were A-A--were generally nice looking with decent and in some cases slamming bodies; the one non-A-A dancer was a tall slender, older white dancer who was reasonably attractive. Dancers who weren't onstage were generally sitting talking with customers; the vibe is quite friendly, though of course any dancer just off stage makes a circuit of the bar soliciting tips. I saw Ivy get onstage--she's pretty and has a brickhouse body; appearance-wize she's pretty irresistible but when I've gotten dancers from her it has been only fair. I saw Dee, a tall, slender light-skin girl with a sort of exotic look across the bar; her dances have been uninspiring. Chanel materialized getting ready to get onstage, pretty with a real nice body but I know from experience not high mileage. Finally a tall, slender brown-skin girl named Sade got onstage and displayed some genuinely sexy moves. When she came around she had a very friendly vibe as she vibrated her booty for me curbside. I was motivated to give her a try. There is a VIP which I've never accessed as it is something like $160 for 40 minutes and from what I've heard--other than complete nudity--does not result in higher mileage from most dancers. There is also a small curtained alcove off the regular dance area that I think is slightly more costly per dance than the regular little booths in the dance area which are $30 per record. Anyway, I followed Sade in--as a regular I don't have to pay for dances upfront but I gather non-regulars sometimes do. We found one of the darker booths and Sade commenced to take off her top, sit on my lap and grind. But she did what I dislike which is a hard, bouncy grind that isn't that sexy. I had her turn around and things improved some as she threw some kisses and caresses into the mix that was more sensual. But beyond that nothing special so after two records I bailed. What I've found recently is that dancers here in recent times are 1) less aggressive soliciting dances 2) don't push the envelope at all with the dances. A couple of them who I have suggested getting a little more hands on have not taken the hint, whereas a few months ago there seemed to be certain dancers who would up the ante considerably even in the $30 area (I'm thinking of one in particular who shall remain nameless). But maybe management is cracking down on that; a couple dancers have said that they "don't want to get in trouble" which on the one hand could be an excuse and on the other could be true, though it is run by the same people who run the Purple Orchid where things are much more free. So at the moment the 19th Hole is in a holding pattern--a comfortable, no-frills hand, with many attractive dancers, a pleasant good-time vibe, and limited-mileage dances.