I have been here several times before.
Club details:
Long stage, lots of space. Lools much better inside than what you see outside. You can byob or buy at the counter. For what its worth, lady at the front is very friendly and very funny.
Several hotties, ranged from 6 to 9. They do get fully naked on stage and make sure to provide decent contact, rub their tits, close view of their kitty, if you are next to the stage. Right after their rotation, lot of them go off on their own to sit and chat with other girls or sit with their regulars.
No one approached me and when I approached a couple of them. They had to go to their rotation, I guess I waited too long before I asked them. In both cases, they ended up going back to dances eventually with someone else, after telling me they will stop by. I was disappointed, but not too much as it saved me upwards of $500 :).
Will still go again, when I am in town next time.