I arrived on a Friday evening around 5:30. The parking lot is pretty big and there were only a few cars. It is a totally safe neighborhood completely suburban. Pond entering the police bouncer gave me a quick brisk. It was before 7 o’clock so there was no cover. There is a rectangular bar, looked to be about six or 10 dancers there in total.
Mostly women of color I believe there was one white girl there as well. Paid six dollars for a Miller light and was just chilling at the bar. If your girls come around for the dollar parade as usual, everyone is always friendly.
There was a girl with an amazing booty so I decided to go back for a dance with her. It was the typical pumpkin grind nothing special and I don’t believe anything else could’ve been had. I know that there is a private room for 15 minutes I believe it cost about $125. I did not try that.
All in all I got out of there for under $100.