Rejected Review

Scam and a waist of time

705 Route 35 South Neptune, NJ 07753
Open at 4,go in like 7,told girls would be in,as this is the norm constantly.Why pay a fee to get in?There are customers no dancers,but of course in a blink of an eye you will see a girl tip toe out of the vip room and run and hide in the office,upstairs or the dj booth.So if two girls at most,maybe one can dance while the other one does her side work in the vip.Sit there and told girls will be in,its 4 hrs later.Another note,the girls pay off security so you can stay in vip til ya bust the nut rather then waist the money for 15 mins of nothing.But pricey. A scam for sure, but pretty cool if you get an honest girl that is not going to steal from you or give you the clap.At most,girls are like a 5 scale.Maybe 3.From experience,they all bareback.Maybe one or two may hand you a rubber.How this place is still open beyond me.