Rejected Review

Not what it used to be

Scarlett's Cabaret
5841 Bunkum Rd Washington Park, IL 62204
Decided to stop after the Braggin Rights game as I thought that might bring in some people. First visit since pre Covid. Cover to get in was $20. No crowd at all. Soft drink was$5.50. Girls that were there were not very impressive. Most of them sat at tables by themselves or with other dancers and did not circulate at all. Watched about 5 stage shows and never even saw a boob come out. Didn’t get a dance but have heard from others it’s anywhere from $50-$100 a dance. This used to be top club in area but the are quickly pricing themselves out of business. Small crowds and outrageous dance prices mean the nice looking girls will find somewhere else to dance. It’s a shame as I always had a lot of fun here with almost anything goes in back.