Went on a Sunday afternoon. Thought I give it a try on my way home. When I got there not many cars in the parking lot but thought I go in anyways. Got in and the club was just getting started. The club was nothing special to look at just your normal dive bar. Bartender was very nice and got me a beer right away. Sat there for awhile. Only dancer I saw was in a booth in the far corner. Was about to leave until a girl came from downstairs. She made her rounds then stopped at me. Asked me for a tip right away. Which took me by surprise since she was not on stage. But I gave her a one. She then asked me if I wanted a dance. So I said yes to give it a try. I have to say I'm glad I did. She took me to the lapdance area downstairs that is very dark and private. Before the dance started she asked me if I take care of her. I said sure and we were off to the races. Let me say by the end of the first song she didn't lie when she said she take care of me.she showed me you can't judge a book by its cover. I will be back.