
Comments by BMathers90

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    3 months ago
    Honeytrapped by Sawyer
    A friend alerted me to this review and I couldn't help but add what I know about this person. I've been in the industry a long time and I've met a lot of disturbed people, but she is the hottest of messes. She gives normal strippers a bad name. Hell, even calling her a stripper is a disservice to the industry. She is just a whore masquerading as a single-mom dancer. She hates the world even though God has blessed her with advantages that most people would kill for (beauty, nice physique, good parents, a healthy son). She doesn't even take care of her son, she didn't raise him, her parents had to. He was taken from her because of child neglect charges. She doesn't work for anything other than to open her legs. And she doesn't even like sex lol. She appreciates nothing that's been given to her, because everything that she has, it's been handed to her. Her body is a walking pharmaceutical lab. And yes, her house was bought for her so she doesn't even have to pay rent yet she doesn't appreciate that either, it's usually a pig sty. She doesn't even own a car, she has some lonely rich idiot drive her to and from the club almost every day. She's always broke because almost everything she makes goes up her nose or into her arms. She pretends to be everything she's not, and denies being everything she is. The only way to get her to care about anything is giving her drugs or money to buy drugs. And if you've got a consistent reliable source, that's better than cash. Honestly, that's about the only way to guarantee she won't fuck you over. She's now mid 30's but she's been whoring since she worked at Hooter's pre-21days. Also, she was arrested at Morton middle in 2010 on trafficking charges, so she's been in that game a long time too. The most dangerous thing about her is her ability to charm you. She can make up any story to suit the situation on the spot. And she's excellent at always playing the victim. She is so good at masquerading as a person with a heart and soul when she's really just a human robot designed to extract you of money or drugs or both. Her favorite clients are the ones from out of town because it's easy for her to pretend to be their GF. She has (or had) dozens of those and they never become the wiser because they can't know she's screwing multiple guys every day. One girl that used to live with her said she probably went through a box of condoms a day. She has a different man for everything. Yard work, food delivery, etc. and she's screwed every one of them. I do sympathize that she's put up with a lot of shitty customers and men in general and I can understand her behavior towards them. But I've also seen her shit on some really good dudes who wanted to do right by her,  and sometimes treat them even worse. But, even all that is not the worst thing about her. She pretends to care about the girls she works with when she will stab any one of them in the back to make her money. Every girl that used to work there and has since left says pretty much the same thing. She pretends to care but she doesn't care about anybody but herself. She doesn't even care about herself either, just her habit. She's a real POS. One girl I know said she kept trying to get her hooked on shit so she could make money for her dealer. That guy was kicked out of another club because he was trying to recruit dancers there as well. She pretends to be a mother figure to the younger dancers but she will do anything regardless if it fucks with their money or not. And they can't complain to the owner because he loves brunettes and she will fuck him anytime he's hard up. She basically rules the roost there and everything bad about that club is personified in her.