
Comments by JM1069

  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Has Summer cum & gone?
    im not the only regular at caddie on this board that wants 2 know the answer bro.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Has Summer cum & gone?
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Has Summer cum & gone?
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Has Summer cum & gone?
    yea nelly76 i have the same thought u do. we frequent certain places & spend the most money at these places that have the dancers we are in2. when a dancer ain't there anymore then we kind of are curious if they are coming back or have gone 2 a new club or just are doin OTC so we can continue 2 see them if we have the chance 2. point is 2 give ur money 2 the strippers that ur most attracted 2 not the least attracted 2 isnt it? lol
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Has Summer cum & gone?
    bro my account was made last year. urs was made last month. whats ur point?