I had Breezy fall asleep on me in the first dance I ever got from her. I don’t why but I let her talk me into another a few weeks later and that was enough for me forever. She’s hot, and my type, but a drunken, high mess and the worst dance ever lol. Pretty sure she doesn’t work there anymore, haven’t seen her on RC for months..
You can have a 50/50 ratio with as little as 2 girls. What do you want him to do, not state how many girls were good looking and how many weren’t in his review for his visit? Do you want him to say 3 hit and 3 miss instead of 50/50? You do realize 3/3 is still 50/50?
Also, he never said 6 girls, he said he saw 3 girls and specified that he never saw another. So he couldn’t have seen an appropriate amount of girls to assess a 50/50. His math is as bad as your mastery of language. You were correct in your statement, but your method of deflecting and dismissing, and your motive for doing so, are beyond suspect. I’ll take bad math that shows his work and was just an expression over what you are, which is nothing good or in the best interest of patrons, every day of the week.
Comments made by NuckNuckNuck