Comments by Siciliandefense
discussion comment
2 years ago
Skibum what is up with your rambling nonsense in this thread? You're a guy who's lack of intelligence decided to use the same screename across the internet where a simple internet search finds posts from you going back 15 or more years and you post personal details about yourself and life where a dedicated person can find out who you really are and doxx you. So please enlighten us about how smart you are. Idiot.
discussion comment
2 years ago
You are better off hitying the club and figuring it out for yourself by trial and error. The reviews are good for who the dancers are but everything else varies, and I'm sure certain guys post misinformation or hide information. I mainly joined to scan reviews for rob threats.
discussion comment
2 years ago
Interesting. I do sometimes ask for numbers but it is only to be practical to schedule a meet at the club. You are probably correct in that some are hesitant because of past bad experiences or they think I want to pull them. The truth is I like to be efficient with my time instead of having to guess when a girl is working. I'm also totally fine with a no, can't meet up, or not a good time, I won't belabor it and would just try again at a later date. But maybe I just won't ask at all anymore and just be patient until they offer.
discussion comment
2 years ago
Can't argue with what she said and your strategy to be honest with you. I have heard the same thing from some dancers that the younger guys will ask stuff like what are you doing later? To each his own, I'm personally too much of a realist to have any illusions to what this and fantasy, nothing more.
discussion comment
2 years ago
White guy, just because you (or I for that matter) have not had this type of negative or jealous experience doesn't mean it has not happened to others. Strip club environment and dancer attitude matters so you can't argue that it ALWAYs is the customers fault.
Also, no offense but because of generational / age gaps the way dancers treat much older men versus a guy her age or slightly older is going to be different. It could very well be that they end up getting feelings and then begin acting erratically or in a crazy manner.
If guys here think she'd rather not engage in higher risk behavior and hang out with a well off attractive guy around her age versus a 65 year old, you're just living in delusion.
discussion comment
2 years ago
I have never had a negative experience at this club, but I also don't discount reports from those who have. With out being there I don't have evidence either way.
Frankly, some of you guys seem way too emotionally involved in this place. It ranges from what seems like outright shilling and arrogance (I'm so great and experienced all the dancers love me!) to (The dancers here suck and rip me off!) None of these are true except in your own minds.
You're just customers nobody cares including the dancers. Lots of the info here is close to useless anyway cause I've personally experienced the opposite. I trust myself over any reports on here.